Role swapping requirement for 222

Split the player base, even longer queue times.

Only on the fixed comp side, and even that we can’t know for sure, as we can only guess at the distribution of tank, support, and DPS players on each side. If you get sick of waiting, you can hop over to flex queue and get a normal queue time again. If you want more expected compositions, fixed queue is still there. No matter what, longer queue times will be a downside of any fixed comp implementation.

Both queue will be longer because you’re taking part of the player base into a different game, essentially. Regardless of which queue you pick, they’ll both have less players than before.

Then I think people have to ask themselves if that’s worth having the extra option or not. I believe that since flexing is the core ideal of the game, a queue that lets players fully take advantage of flexing should always be available no matter what. The core ideal cannot be compromised or you’ve given up on the game’s identity. I don’t go into RTS games and demand that they be changed to turn-based just because I don’t like the real-time aspect.

I wouldn’t mind a fixed queue being added in addition. I wouldn’t mind the queue time difference if it meant more people get to play the game the way they want and more people in my games play the way I expect as a result.

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If they do put in flex, it will allow support.

It isn’t much of a flex role if it can’t.


Well, here’s my concept on this idea.

✅ [Hero Swap] RoleQueue or RolePick

Only thing that worries me is the “swap with me, or I throw” aspect.

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I feel like there are enough ways to use the “do x or I throw” thing that one more won’t really make a difference. We have other mechanics like Mei’s wall that can be abused by sh***y people yet we still have them.

The flex idea of the game failed. The SR system punishes flexing, so does the ult system, people don’t like hard counters, Geoff has talked about they intend to avoid it, and even OTP weren’t expected to be that much of a presence, according to Jeff.

Creative comps are now an excuse, most of the time, for “I wanna play dps and I don’t care”, and even Jeff himself has said the devs find that unpleasant and less than ideal.

nOWOrries sometimes the forums dont work for replies at times.

yah i feel 222 will be implemented poorly so im hoping this will at least gives the idea of trying this out.

report them. people throw 4 a million reasons. if theyd do this then theyre gonna throw regardless. they could always make it so only friends can swap roles to prevent this if its really a problem.

then either que or ask to swap for playing dps.

then que as DPS and you’ll start in that rank.

then que as tank

it’s because their system wasnt designed right even for one role let alone 3. it’s why people can play on 15 different accounts for the same role and be ranked either higher or lower than their main. other games do way better for comp ranknings. blizz has never had a good system for it imo regardless of game

as stated above a friends only swap could fix it which only allows it to work for friends added b4 the game started.

it does make it harder. you need to balance 3 separate roles SR to play flex and cant even really flex. it also makes it way harder to fix your comp by role swapping to win. if you cant play every hero in your role youre stuck with that bad comp bc you cant switch with someone who can play the other hero in that role thats needed. it eliminates a HUGE portion of options

222 is stupid idea. it wont fix anything people think it will. comps will still be horrible. people will still not be in the right sr. games will still have no communication. balance will still be god awful. probably way worse bc 222 wont have enough or any real balance changes for heroes after its pushed thru. all it does it put unnecessary limits that do far more harm than good.

SR punishes any role swapping bc blizz cant even make a good system for it. heck same roles aernt even processed right. a DVA could do way better than a rein but bc the rein never put down their shield they get more SR than DVA. it punishes people regardless. even in higher ranks people get the same as a play maker just for being there.

no it isnt. dps just insta lock regardless.

thats dumb. every game has mains and in almost every game besides OW people cant switch. if they didnt create a system that encouraged OT from the start it wouldve been a tiny issue. you cant think something wont be a problem then create an incentive for that very thing.
then why create the endorsement system which jeff himself said was to encourage good plays like swapping to a needed role or helping out a player by building around them

A better ping/communication system for those who not use mic would be a good idea. Something like arrows in the teammates screens for couple of seconds.

Also if there was a way to recommend heroes you want in your team on the selection screen. It could appear above the character photo the number of people that voted wishing that hero was in their team.

And what if locking 1 Healer, 1 Tank, 2 DPS and 2 Flex would be a better way than locking 2-2-2 for role queue? No more 6-0-0, 5-1-0, 4-2, 3-3. Only 1-4-1, 3-2-1, 2-2-2.

Who’s balancing 3 different SR? It’s much easier for the game to proper place a player within a role. Once again, Jeff himself spoke about this, the system is good at determining where you belong with a hero, you start flexing it goes bananas.

If that were as prevalent as people make it out to be, we wouldn’t be having this conversation to begin with. As discussed, players don’t switch, and the game rewards them for it.

Precisely my point, it’s not “creative”, it’s just “I wanna play X and I don’t care”. And that won’t be a problem with role queue.

I didn’t make it.

What about locking 2DPS, 2Heal, 1Tank, and 1Flex.
With the Flex spot only being accessible by people who queue for Tank.

yah eliminate the problem with the game and players follow instead of FURTHER reinforcing improper behavior

yes it will people insta lock poor heroes with little to no synergy. i could easily in role que play moria as a dps or zen or lucio or brig and never heal to avoid a long que. supports will be less healers bc of 222 and it’ll be WAY worse than 5 dps.

never said you did. the devs ignored basic facts and instead of saying they made a mistake they just keep making it worse. like constantly putting tape on something instead of fixing or replacing the broken piece. knowing it looks like its fixed but just hidden and still broken. you cant sell people water from a faucet knowing the guy next to you is giving you free bottled water. ignoring obvious things or not accounting for something you should only means it’ll be a bad idea to start

Impossible. It would completely compromise the entire Comp system under Role Based SR.

Example: Player A is a Masters level DPS but only a Gold level healer. Player B is a Masters level Healer but only a Gold Level DPS. They queue as their Gold rank roles and then Switch roles as soon as it looks like they might lose. Suddenly they’re playing Masters level roles in a Gold rank game and the validity of the match is completely gone.

There’s so many things wrong in these statements its hard to know where to start, but you do you.

no there isnt. 222 comps are just as bad as non 222 comps. and i can nearly guarantee bliz wont even balance heroes based on the new 222 when it happens instead letting it stay broken for months b4 even implementing small useless changes
222 != balanced team comp