Role SR has been tracked for months now, how about when you flex?

They say they have been tracking your role SR for the past couple of months to seed you when 222 starts. What do they do when you swap roles mid match? How do they calculate that?

It’s probably a similar system they use to track performance-based SR below diamond, except the output is used differently.


yes but they can do damage and stats per 10 minutes, so it doesn’t matter if you play widow for just 30 seconds, they just do the math to see how well you have done

but how does that work out for SR?

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Did you win? Your SR goes up.

Did you lose? Your SR goes down.

Asking for blue/orange responses is against ToS.


I think that only applies to the title of the post, not the body.

Considering how tolerant the moderators are of your spam and trolling, I wouldn’t be surprised.

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that’s not very nice

I actually looked at the Code of Conduct and it doesn’t say anything about addressing the dev team.

asking them to respond specifically this way doesn’t seem that bad. it doesn’t look like harassing or anything like that. I my self just wouldn’t only because i’m assuming they saw my post and will respond if they want.


I’ve read Kawumba’s post on how MMR works and know practically everything that I can.

I thought it was a good question. I think it used to be in the ToS “calling out blizz employees” but maybe they removed that rule, because I just looked and can’t find it.

regardless of ToS i think there’s an appropriate way to address PEOPLE (especially by name) on the forum since they dont get quite the same personal barrier that me or you get with our accounts

while an official reply would have been awesome, it was also addressed towards the forum users.

I was more saying what I wanted, and not asking a specific person, yeah? I hope that makes sense.

tracking yes but I’ve not seen it mentioned as part of a seed issue. So unless I missed that part of it odds are all the tracking did was run both systems and see if they are more or less in line with each other SR wise.

I still suspect the move to 222 is just going to be a formula based data conversion of the current stats but split into 3 roles. Being there are millions of accounts that have not played any comp in a ton of seasons. Something the current system has never carried about when it comes to reseeding a person.

so why would roll out 222 with the hope to get players back and then drop a once GM back down like a new player?

They obviously know who you’re playing when as they can work out your win rates on different heroes when you flex. They simply need to attach stats to the correct hero/role.

no DL, I watch all the vids, it was on seagulls hour long stream when they announced 222 and JK was talking about no MMR reset.

let’s say they’ve been tracking role SR for the last 3 seasons. If you haven’t played Comp during that time, then they’d probably give you your overall SR for all three roles.

I’d really like to know exactly how that win rate is calculated per hero. If you play 3 heroes an equal amount of time on your first match ever and win, do they all have 33% win percentage?

I’d assume so but I’ve never tested it.

However they keep track of your role specific stats rest assured it’s a sensible method. They’re a pretty switched on bunch of people.

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it’s a soft MMR reset so you won’t go from Bronze to Gm, or Plat to Bronze. Best case you go up 1 more rank Worst case you go down 1 more rank and climb back up :slight_smile:

Yeah I’ve seen the clip where he said no reset and they have been tracking but nothing that directly said that the tracking was any sort of base for the 222 season. Just that it’s been tracked, that could mean anything.
They also have avoided saying anything at all about what is doing to be done with players who maybe have not played comp since say S8 or S3 etc.

I strongly suspect it’s nothing more than a data base merge/convertion. Yet saying that would trigger a whole lot of lower SR players who already have been asking for resets for years now.

yet for some reason despite as far as I can tell zero info about what’s going to happen people are now pitching that stats where tracked for to help with placements. Soft reset if one has not played and so on.
Yet we don’t have any of that info…
Eh, just wait and see… only a week until beta

So, MMR has been tracked, MMR is a number from around -3 to +3, and has separate values in the background already being maintained for each different role.

In the interview he said that the separate role MMR is being tracked in order to not have a reset. They’re doing everything they can to start with the most accurate MMR they can for every player as they go into the beta season. People that haven’t played comp for a year will probably be fairly volatile, as there is no recent MMR data for them. The best case scenario will probably be for people who routinely play all 3 roles in Comp.

Also, remember, best from Jeff’s perspective is most accurate. Best from the players’ eyes is probably “Highest SR after placements”, so hopefully people don’t get too confused about that.

Jeff says that about MMR, not SR.

In a way that provides them the most accurate assessment of overall skill for each role, and which is secret, because otherwise people could game it.

It doesn’t need to, because they’re tracking MMR.

What is a soft MMR reset? Jeff said in the video he does not want a reset, because resets are very very bad. So, what is a “soft” reset, and how is that compatible with Jeff’s statement of “we’ve been doing everything we can to give each player an accurate MMR for each role” (rough quote)

i’m pretty sure there is a minimum time you need to play for stats to matter, i would do it that way and i’m a scrub