Role queue when you need a shield tank

Probably what I dislike the most is when we need a shield badly and I can’t switch to the role of tank and our tanks refuse to switch. Just played a match and it was just super obvious with the comp we were up against and how the fights were going that we were desperately needing one. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it makes the fights so much harder.

Well it sometimes happen that you do need main healers and not Zen and Lucio or the times the enemy has pharmacy and you have junkrat and doomfist or like you said tanks want to play something that is not just a shield bot.

That my friend is the risk of solo Q in role Q. We all have them no matter what we play :slight_smile:


The ol Zarya Dva combo… ight Imma head out…


So you would rather go back to having 4 dps Roadhog and lucio support games? Because those were better, right?


Why don’t you just q as shield tank.

Be the change you want, not just complaint about it.

I played a few quick play classic a few days ago with my casual friend. It’s a hecking mess, 4 DPS and 2 healer is not a viable comp. Free for all non role lock in competitive mode should NEVER, NEVER go back. The amount of pretentious people claiming that they lost the “ability to flex mid game” is just mind boggling when you see that in reality people just want to play whatever the heck they want.

I’d take Hog over 4 DPS any day of the year.


Yea just like when you play Orisa/Rein and your team is playing Brig/Zen. Or when you play dive tanks and your dps are playing Widow or Torb. Or when there’s a Pharah and your team is playing Doomfist/Junkrat.

You can say that because it’s a team based game. This happens to every role…


Just report feedva, feedball, feedhog/zar. If some filthy dps main abusing tank q and refusing to build propper comp, he is throwing and you cant change the way the game goes.


this is indeed one of the many severe problems introduced into the game when 222 was added

absolutely in a heartbeat 222 is terrible


Tbqh people who don’t change in competitive (where the objective is to win) in obvious situations like this after being called out should be reported as gameplay sabotage, IMO.

Yeah that’s gonna solve problems…report people…ughhhh

You’ll see upcoming topics like “My account suspended/banned” for bad game behaviour. Sometimes I get feedback from these reports. What else you can do against abusers who play comp. for fun and not to compete.

Sorry I’m not going to stoop down to control freak level. I don’t like it done to me…so I won’t do it to others.

2-2-2 is just fine.

A lot of players are terrible.

Role queue remember. I do when I play tank.

Haha true, when you are a widowmaker main I suppose 2 tanks really throw a wrench in your game.

Problem is, people play DVa and Hog like they’re DPS. Like I rather have 4 DPS with burst damage and who will likely feed less than Hog/DVa who not only has low damage but feeds a lot too.

yeah because people weren’t playing more than 2 tanks before it :wink:

They weren’t in Solo Que in any rank under masters. Nice try though. The usual team was Roadhog, Moira, insert whatever 4 random dps here. Im 100% sure you thrived in those games tho, I dont blame you for not liking the role que.

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lol eye of sauron over here watching over every game… stop pretending you know everything and be on your little 222 scrub way