Role queue sucks

it’s actually really bad…and way less fun that Open queue…I can’t be locked to a role when there’s 5 others that are completely incompetent in their role. But more than just that like I said earlier it’s really not fun at aaaaalllllllll

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I haven’t played it once since OQ came out


Then just don’t play it.


Agree. I’m a DPS main and in open queue I like being able to go Zarya/Hog when I can’t do anything as DPS. The self heal with Hog allows me to have impact when we get healers who don’t enable the DPS I’m best at and going triple tank as Zarya/Hog can bring back a lot of games that are unwinnable with 2/2/2.

Was blitzing from gold to masters at openQ, was really impressed to get same 2-2-2 comp almost every map, was either 1 tank + 2 supp or 2 tank + 1 supp every game. Really enjoyed to spend 11h straight at game like this. At role q I play 6-8 games per 5h and feel exhausted and not satisfyed at all.

Stick with open queue if you prefer open queue. Stick to role queue if you prefer role queue. Simple.

Glad we could straighten this out for ya.


It’s really not.

The format is great. Gives Overwatch matches a structure that they desperately need.

What really sucks is the players that decide to throw in their chosen role. You know the ones - the Supports that think they’re Damage. The Tanks that repeatedly try to flank enemy team instead of creating space for your team. The Damage dealers that refuse to change to a different hero when they’re being hard countered.

If there were less of those sorts of players the game would be so much better.

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Am just doing my placements in OQ. Played 5 and have had a leaver on my team in each game so far. 5 from 5. I would play about 50 games before I get a leaver on my team in RQ. Not impressed at all.

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I want my lootboxes. Always a bribe to play ExC and QP.
That’s how you know 222 is bad.

If u have to pay people to like ur game long enough to sit through 1 match there should be some restaff/rework.

Meanwhile open

you can play open q 20 character

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Only thing that sucks is the queue time for dps/supp


And I think open q sucks. Me and any other person who prefers structure to competitive. Open q competitively speaking is a joke. Its a casual competitive.

There’s a reason you see all the top streamers who don’t care about blizzard. Like gale. Surfour. Xqc. All play role q. They all openly talk badly about overwatch and blizzard.

Can’t speak for ml7, Jake, or emongg. Ml7 plays role q.

Jake and emongg do as well but blizzard likes them so you can say they are biased.

The point is play what you enjoy.

Open queue can be just as bad but I’ve had better luck climbing with it…