Role queue needs to go

You can’t deny that the people demanding that 222 be removed, like OP here, are being selfish. Modes exist that cater to both parties, don’t be mad at the reality that you’ll be stuck playing with people just like you.

Or you could actually go back and read all my posts before labeling me as “selfish” or a “dps main”.

just wait 3 days until season 23 starts and competitive open queue becomes permanent again c’mon 3 days please, no more threads about role queue

You are assuming the “quick” means “quick queue” when it means “quick game”. The queue lasts longer than the game itself. Quick isn’t it :laughing:?

(This was a joke. For those that cannot tell).

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Thats cool. If they bring back the notifications for “no tank”, “no healer”, etc, i might be satisfied.

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And? If you’re going to do caps like that - you might not even bother with capping because it will bring back the issue of solo healing and tanking which was one of the most miserable things for players to endure

Agree when it comes to quickly, I’d gladly just play quick play classic if it wasn’t just filled with people wanting to avoid DPS queue times.

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Ok, I can see solo healing being miserable, but is solo tanking really that miserable if there were 2 healers?

Didn’t mention you being a DPS once, good job telling on yourself.

Im referring to others who have assumed that. Whats wrong with wanting to enjoy the full game instead of playing only a third of the characters? I didnt pick this game up at the store thinking, “I am only gonna be a tank or a healer. This is gonna be awesome!”

Both modes have their pros and cons. I can understand liking one more than the other but “ThIs OnE mUsT cEaSe” is a little silly.

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Thank you. One less toxic person in the community

Strangely enough, before role-less queue was reintroduced, many threads were created by pro 222 folks insisting role-less queue should never and/or would never return

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Yep. Just a few months ago the mere suggestion that the devs should add Comp Classic was practically seen as heresy by a lot of people.

Well that’s the gamble you take playing QP classic, those of who don’t want to gamble it have 222. Everyone has their preferred option.

I never took part in any of those threads. I don’t even think i was on the forums before role queue. I don’t really see how this affects my point about how saying role queue “needs to go” is silly.

Queue for healer or especially tank. Learn to play different roles. Then your queue will be less.

That being said, I do agree with questioning Blizzard’s logic of continuing to add dps heroes (ie., Echo) when they seem to want people to play tanks and healers because there’s a deficit. There wouldn’t be as much of a deficit if you had twice as many healers and tanks, Blizzard.

I can play any role and any hero because that is how the game was designed to be played. If there must be a queue, then the queue needs to fit the ratio of the number of available heroes. Right now, it would probably make most sense to do 1-3-2. If it must be 2-2-2, then some dps heroes need to be reworked into tanks and supports so that the hero count is balanced out for each role. Is anyone picking up what I’m putting down?

Not really. I still track the matches that I play to see the compositions that I play and what my opponents played.

There is just as much BS now as there was before. Most games you get into will be 1-3-2 if you fill roles… 2-2-2 isn’t uncommon either. However, if you pick DPS and refuse to budge, you’ll see 1-4-1 a bit more commonly.

In terms of character selection in pre222 and qp classic, i suspect you are right - they’ll probably be very similar

however, the differences I spoke of are not in character selection