Role Queue made me be ashamed of my Rank


I’m a one-trick. So this is very self-explanatory. While I massively welcome role-queue, I find it so frustrating and embarrassing to be a 3.2 - 3.3k Support and be High Gold as DPS and Mid Gold as Tank.

I’ve been harassed countless times on Mid Diamond matches due to my lower ranks as DPS and Tank. I personally only did the Placements, lost most of them because I’m not used to play either of those roles - competitively. So I usually stick with Support.

But I feel like I went from being highly endorsed for being a Diamond Support One-Trick to be constantly attacked for things like “This dude only plays Lucio and sucks on everything else”. Yesterday was my birthday, and in 4 out of 5 matches I’ve been harassed for the same reason.

Can I not play the DPS / Tank roles next season, so it don’t show, and there’s only one rank showing or this is gonna be my fate forever? /:

I personally feel bad because it’s like both these ranks are taking down something I’ve practiced hundreds of hours to get good with. And now it’s going down the toilet. Is also possible to lock my profile so people can’t see my other two ranks? I need to do something about it.

People are instantly assuming I’m bad because of this. And it tilts people, and I’m losing lots of matches due to that mentality.

Just set your profile to private :woman_shrugging:


Does it hide ranks? Oh, that’s it? lol-
I thought it would hide everything except your name, rank and level.

I’m sorry, people seriously suck. I don’t care who anyone picks so long as they’re good, can synergize with everyone else’s picks and able to contribute to the match, I wish people didn’t shove their heads so far up their own… Y’know… And just appreciated someone putting in good effort.

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Devs said somewhere that if you almost never played other roles before, they would almost like guess your other roles SR based on the playerbase.

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I’m not really sure what your point is? Sure your DPS and Tank ranks are visible if you don’t have your profile set to private. And you also don’t have to do the other role placements if you don’t want? But like… before 222 your stats would have shown that you only ever play lucio anyway? And with 222 you don’t have to fill spots in other roles if you don’t want, so it’s not like people can chew you out for not swapping anyway haha.

I missed the fact that making my profile private could also hide my ranks. So my bad on that. I’ll definitely have to do that.

On higher ranks people dissect your stats before matches. Everyone gets much more entitled about ‘how good they are’. So seeing a person who one tricks support and is ‘bad’ on other ranks is enough to be my fault the entire match if we’re about to lose, and in case we’re winning it’s their work and not mine. If what I’m saying makes sense.

Before people got surprised that someone one-tricking lucio could climb so much as I did, because I’ve started as bronze on season 1, kept improving my gameplay, awareness and survivability. But always focusing on that hero. Support was always needed anyway so I never found a issue for one tricking. Only of lucio wasn’t working I’d switch for other support for sure. So people felt pleased and actually comment often how cool was to have a ‘good’ lúcio main. Now it’s the reverse. Since my other ranks are displayed I went from the good guy to the worst thing and cancer could ever enter your match and its like they’re gonna lose because I’m on their team. I’m contabtly being yelled at and joked. It’s seriously frustrating.

It never happened to me in 3 years of playing this game.

But sure, I’ll make sure not to play my DPS / Tank placements anymore and make my profile private during this season.

Thanks everyone.

PS - When I say good and bad I’m not saying people on lower ranks are bad or anything. I’m referring more on the strategies and the way the game plays. It is different. I’ve been there and I know how things worked there and now. Don’t take that as insulting or anything.

Welp people are stupid, can’t do much about it.
Your level as well as the time spend would increase my confidence in your ability, why would I be bothered by your ability to play dps if you are locked on support during the entire match?

I’m surprised the system actually placed you in gold on the other two roles.

Hopefully it’s doing that for everyone now because a lot of people placed way higher than they should just because they were high in one role.

This led to a lot of bad games with people who didn’t belong at all.

I personally find it fair.

I don’t play much of either those roles, so placing me higher would be condemning people on those ranks who got stuck with me.

I’m able to put out good plays as Lúcio, flank healers, get squishes, don’t touch the ground, contest for minutes and minutes, and do my job - healing everyone, saving my teammates with boops and controlling the area where we are.

I can’t do that as any DPS or any Tank. If I someday intend to rank up, I’ll need to practice a lot first. 90% of my competitive time, since 2016 was on Lúcio.

Only thing is, I don’t wanna be shamed because my other two ranks, since I only and ever focused on one. And the feeling of being told I’m a bad player or “I suck” because of that, it«s very very frustrating. Lúcio isn’t a hard hero to play, but it’s very very very difficult to take value from. Takes hours of practice, learning wall ride was a pain, my shortcuts put me in point in less than 8-9 seconds. Those things should have value. It’s been knew that climbing as a Support solo-queue is very very difficult and my “dream” on this game was always to someday get to GM as one. Master is almost around the corner, and I’ll keep improving. But when your team assumes they’re gonna lose because of “you”. It’s… disappointing and very very sad.

As others have mentioned, private profiles. Problem solved.

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This game is filled with people who think they know how to read stats and are nothing but toxic.
Just play your game, ignore anyone you don’t know.

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