Role queue is just bad

You can’t switch to tank and let someone dps, if someone can’t heal it’s the same story. Sometimes people need to play different roles. Especially with random competitive players

Maybe make professions? So people know what to expect, similar to the endorsement level. Role locks just ain’t cuttin it


Oh it’s awful. Even just trying to do placements takes forever compared to other roles. Idc if they have to early release a supp/tank hero or make tweaks the entire role queue system. Theres no reason (dps) plat and under waits 10-15 for a match and diamond+ can go upward a half hour. And it’s forcing people to roles they dont know. Plus not being able to fill in a role when your team is being railed by a hero that the dps don’t know the counters to sucks. I legit just uninstalled the game 10 mins ago and installed tf2 instead. Going to just try out other games. This is ridiculous. Anything has to be better than the shape this game is in.


It’s not forcing people to roles they don’t know at all.

They can easily practice those roles they don’t know in other game modes. They do not need to practice them in Comp.

Comp is not the game mode for practicing heroes you’re unfamiliar with.


I think if the game had been released like this initially, maybe with more tanks/healers nobody would complain about role Q.

IMO the problem with role q is it shows the clear lack of character diversity within the game at the moment. Only 3 main tanks, 2-3 Off Tanks, and 5-6 healers??


I think it’s more playing dps “feels” more rewarding. More pew pew, and kills feels better than keeping someone else alive or preventing dmg. And, even losing feels like you did everything you could. Playing tank or support makes losses feel like it could have been a win if you were dps.

Role q is amazing. I would go back to quitting the game if it ever went away.


So if you suck in a role you derank? What’s the problem about that?
RQ revealed just how much match outcome was determined by picks rather than “skill”.

It’s not bad. It just required a large balance patch/overhaul which they held back for an eternity

So your saying they should practice in qp where NO ONE GIVES A HOOT ABOUT TEAM PLAY? So then they can come to comp and still not know how to do their role. How about NO!

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So instead you want them to come to comp and still not know how to do their role or the hero they’re playing?

Yeah, great idea there genius.

How about NO!

you are forced to choose a role… you can’t flex due to teams performance. That’s where I am getting at

And each role has a separate SR
Last night i had a player that was diamond support, gold dps & plat tank in my low gold game.
Under the old system he would have been a gold dps in a diamond game & no one wants that

Yep, and that’s good because it means no more 4+ DPS comps. Never again do main tanks have to worry about solo tanking or tanking with no supports because every other player and his dog wanted to play damage.

thread title: roleQ is just bad…So are half the DPS waiting in que.

Role queue is not perfect, but it is better than what we had before.

I would add a role vote, so that you can vote to switch half way through the game. so If the switch is needed, it can be done

Role queue has greatly increased the quality of games in both QP and comp queue.

The only thing missing now is the active community willing to work as a team within this new system. If all 6 players were collaborative and not so selfish, then this game would be the best competitive game in history. But since most people want to be casually competitive, leading to the terrible culture we have now where you get called toxic for trying to shotcall, we can’t have nice things.

If you don’t like to be collaborative and tryhard then dont join competitive. It’s the ONLY place where tryhards can play the game in a meaningful way and how they want to play while casual players have every other mode available to them… please be considerate.

Role queue sucks:

  • Queue as tank, you get absolute morons on dps or support half the time
  • Queue as dps, you get 2 offtank games that just get rolled by the other team who is actually playing with a proper tank duo 80% of the time
  • Queue support, you get moronic tanks and dps half the time
  • If you’re not playing dps yourself they’ll both be really suboptimal inflexible one-tricks 80% of the time

And then I’ve left out the amount of boosters,smurfs, leavers and cheaters you have to deal with most of the time for convenience as well.

Maybe about 1 out of 20 games maybe feels somewhat remotely deserving of the term competitive to me in the role queue experience. The 19 others are steamrolls one way or another due to one or more of the above described factors.

So, everyone in the game is a moron, except you. Makes sense why you are stuck in gold rofl. Imagine not knowing YOU are the moron.