Role Queue Beta Playtime

See other posts which i agree with, its not clear at all.

I wanna know if it affects mmr in any way or its really totally nonexistent and after beta it will be like i have never played it = So my MMR will start from S17 end in full role queue comp despite playing role Q beta.

they say that it wonā€™t count towards current competitive stats, meaning SR/MMR but it does not specify whether or not the playtime for the mode will be deleted from your profile or not

It is not clear that it doesnā€™t effect MMR. We have to imagine it does, the green mod who replied was simply doing so off the basis of incorrectly analysing a blog post. I dont think he is part of the dev team, so he doesnt know the truth


you should edit the part about " not affecting your mmr" because it s total speculation they never ever said that and since they take acount of your performance on the 3 role when before role queue it would be very surprising that they will just not consider your performance in actual 222 condition and your post is used it s on the first page of reddit competive overwatch if it s false you can spread a false information and people beleive you because they think you are working with blizzard

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Only two weeks though

I do not understand why they would delete our stats. My choices are basically to quick play for 2 weeks or have all my precious Sigma hours vanish.

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thatā€™s what iā€™m thinking. It would be stupid to delete them but they havenā€™t really said.

So ROLE QUEUE in BETA VERSION does not carry across stats to the permanent MMR, yet you cant queue with diamond or master players with no placements done so the game has PRE ADJUSTED your skill level before you even play a game and DETERMINED whether you should play that game or not without doing placements. ONCE again BLIZZARD had one job, to implement a proper functioning role queue and obviously 2/2/2/ was not innovation, IT WAS A SUGGESTED YEARS BY THE OVERWATCH COMMUNITY, the MMR system is totally broken and wrong for analyzing skill level and placements. YOUR USING A SYSTEM THAT GIVES 5 OUT OF 6 PLAYERS A DEFEAT IF 1 PLAYER AFKS AN WE LOOSE A MATCH, THIS IS NOT AN INDICATION OF SKILL ANALYSIS. WHEN A PLAYER LOOSES DUE TO AFK, THEY SHOULD BE QUEUED TO A LOSS-LEAVERS MATCH TO ULTIMATELY DECIDE A WINNER. THE LEAVER GETS A TEMP BAN. How hard is it to actually have a working MMR in place, THIS BETA SERVES NO PURPOSE IF THE STATS ARE NOT CONNECTED AND IF THE BETA PRE -DETERMINES YOUR MMR WITHOUT PLAYING A SINGLE GAME OF PLACEMENT.

I sincerely hope blizzard stocks plummets again as they have shown no serious commitment to solving MMR issues but rather integrate a new system of play style with 2/2/2/

Could you ask a Blue directly if they would be willing to comment on JUST THIS ā€¦ Will your placements during Beta influence your placements in S18 as for example a general starting ideaā€¦ honestly that is logically what they should be doing and no where does your paragraph especially the highlighted part address that issue. All that says is that the category in a players career profile ā€œAll competitive seasonsā€ will not include beta, it does not indicate that the beta wont be used to help determine placements. [Again, it would be very weird if it had absolutely no influence].

I dont mean any disrespect I just want to clarify there is a huge difference between saying that it wont affect your SR going forward and saying its a completely separate entity like the PTR is except you get to collect Competitive Points for Gold weaponsā€¦ because MMR =! SR but it definitely influences it.

Wait are you telling me i just climbed 200 sr almost hitting diamond for nothing? what a joke.

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ridiculous right, blizzard is good at ruining games just like Diablo, and i pre-ordered that game. The original Diablo was amazing and maybe even the expansion that followed after but presently the game is dead and filled with bugs.

So ROLE QUEUE in BETA VERSION does not carry across stats to the permanent MMR, yet you cant queue with diamond or master players with no placements done so the game has PRE ADJUSTED your skill level before you even play a game and DETERMINED whether you should play that game or not without doing placements. ONCE again BLIZZARD had one job, to implement a proper functioning role queue and obviously 2/2/2/ was not innovation, IT WAS A SUGGESTED YEARS BY THE OVERWATCH COMMUNITY, the MMR system is totally broken and wrong for analyzing skill level and placements. YOUR USING A SYSTEM THAT GIVES 5 OUT OF 6 PLAYERS A DEFEAT IF 1 PLAYER AFKS AN WE LOOSE A MATCH, THIS IS NOT AN INDICATION OF SKILL ANALYSIS. WHEN A PLAYER LOOSES DUE TO AFK, THEY SHOULD BE QUEUED TO A LOSS-LEAVERS MATCH TO ULTIMATELY DECIDE A WINNER. THE LEAVER GETS A TEMP BAN. How hard is it to actually have a working MMR in place, THIS BETA SERVES NO PURPOSE IF THE STATS ARE NOT CONNECTED AND IF THE BETA PRE -DETERMINES YOUR MMR WITHOUT PLAYING A SINGLE GAME OF PLACEMENT.

The tech support is quoting a blog post (of all sources) and no where does it say MMR doesnā€™t count for the Beta.

It simply says ā€œHowever, beta season stats will only be available for a limited time and will not count toward a playerā€™s permanent Competitive Season stats.ā€

This can be easily seen in your Career profile as filtering for ā€œAll Competitive Seasonsā€ will not include the separately listed Role Queue Beta. The stats are like some different formula (QP rather than Comp).

There is no reason to assume MMR is not counted during this period otherwise everyone would be throwing ruining whatever metrics they are trying to get. Unless there is a serious bug which completely destroys MMR forcing them to reset it to end of S17, you should be playing games with the intent to win like normal.

If you want to throw or simply not take games seriously, have fun waking up in Bronze s18 and donā€™t say I didnā€™t warn you.

What do you mean throw? i was asking because i climbed a lot due to role queue in a long time by playing my specific role without the worries of taking someone elseā€™s place. Even if the beta season didnā€™t matter, iā€™d simply stop and wait for the real season to begin or if it did matter iā€™d try my best to win regardless of it. So i politely ask you to not go around assuming what people will or not do.

Iā€™ve run into a few players who were clearly not playing their best ā€˜because itā€™s a beta seasonā€™. Itā€™s also been a common excuse for picking up Sigma or other heroes they never played before in comp.

Clearly some players are behaving differently. Not you, but it is happening.


After reading many things , i defnitlly trust that SR and MMR will NOT be impacted during theses 2 weeks .
ā€œBETAā€ isnt supposed to affect anything on your account or competitive games futher.
People just trying things in ranked , i havenā€™t met any games where they were really playing seriously.

After the 2 weeks BETA , the release will be done and your MMR / SR will be the same from S17.

Otherwise , it s not a " BETA test " for 2.2.2 but a release. BETA always been for testing , fixing , and gets players feedback.


this is actually extremely disappointing as iā€™ve put a lot of work into it, i didnt really like comp before role queue, so iā€™ve been going ham since it was introduced

Well, WyomingMyst is reading more into the post heā€™s citing than is actually written. There will be no record of the Beta in your Career Profile is all it actually says.

Itā€™s a matter of debate and interpretation whether that means it will leave no record in your internal stats. Many people (including me) believe that the current matches will affect your starting MMR for Season 18.

However, that hasnā€™t been explicitly said either, we really just donā€™t know.

I see no reason for the MMR to reset back to the end of season 17. People, like myself, who have played a ton of the game during the beta will have improved their gameplay, and, with an MMR reset, would effectively be smurfing in their old rank. As an example, I started the beta season at 3450 and I have climbed to around 3600 and I will probably reach 3700 before the end of the season. If Iā€™m put down into 3400, I will pretty much be smurfing, even if not massively. This could probably be exploited in some way as well.

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And that is all I care about. Why even record stats if you will delete them? Justā€¦ Donā€™t record them? This was supposed to be a fun few weeks but now I am playing more QP (ew) than Comp.