Role queue beta affects next season mmr?

So before this, blizzard announced that role queue beta will not count towards next seasons mmr. But recently Stylosa uploaded a video saying it does with a source. Personally i never believed what sty says but this is confusing. I want some answers.

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One - Just a heads up, don’t believe stuff that one YouTuber/Source says. Try looking up multiple sources online

Two - They are taking it into account. They thought they wouldn’t need to, but after testing through the Beta, they realized they had to use the Beta MMR.

Three - When Season 18 did go live, there wasn’t MMR so it was a complete mess. They need to use the Beta MMR.

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My friend I believe that the entire Role queue beta is actually planned to be one giant placement to calibrate people on the ladder. If you notice for many matches you were not playing all of the maps, it was instead busan and a few others this was to make it easy to estimate skill. This is my opinion and it is not to upset you, but it may make you angry.

I never trusted them saying that the role queue beta wouldn’t count, but I sure did play it like it didn’t.

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rule #1 blizzard is a lying company

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