Role q with forced 2-2-2

If they implement role q and forced 2-2-2 in qp, many people (including me) will prefer qp over comp.

That is actually the intention I do believe :wink:

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You mean that you are playing mostly competitive because at least you have more chance to have a decent composition, while people in qp don’t care about the team and 80% of the matches are 6-dps cancer or similar?
If you mean that I will do the same. I will still go competitive but I really need to chill a bit with this game, always competitive is dangerous for my health lol.
qp mode with 2-2-2 on both teams will be more funny and fair I guess. This is one of the reason I would like forced 222 and why I would wait one or two minutes more to start a game.
Anyways I’ve missed one thing, are they going to implement it or not? Not even on arcade?

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I think the benefits of role q+forced 2-2-2 outweigh the negatives.


  • GOATS is physically impossible to run
  • A few strats are locked out, or at least forced to be toned down since you can’t run 3 or more of a role anymore


  • GOATS is physically impossible to run
  • No more being stuck in the stressful hell of solo healing or tanking
  • No more 4 or more dps
  • It’s garunteed that the person playing tank/healer is doing it because they want to, and are not an uncomfortable flex who normally doesn’t play tank/healer (but someone has to).
  • Now that you can’t stack 3 or more tanks, they can be balanced as tanks instead of fat dps. There’s no more worries that a tank’s defensive ability will make them op in a tank heavy composition… they can have nice things again.
  • You can play the role you want, and not feel trapped into flexing for entire game sessions because you kept getting teams where everyone wants to play the same role.