Role Q is deterring me from placing in my off-roles

I’m a diamond support main who should be ranked no higher than gold for the damage role. I ended last season low diamond and the matchmaker has been putting all of my placements matches (support/tank/dmg) with low diamond/high plat players. I only played one dps placement and had people being toxic because I’m not playing up to plat/diamond standards. I’d be upset too if I was put on their team, but since the matchmaker has you at the same baseline across all roles I can’t really do anything about it. I don’t even want to finish the placements because I know I’m going to lower my teammates quality of games and come off as “throwing” just because I shouldn’t be in this rank.

Just keep playing. Your ranks will move to where they belong. Tell your toxic teammates that it’s Blizzard’s fault.


You might end up better at dps than you think.

Run around and have fun in Mystery Heroes. I feel it’s less goofing off than QP and I was really able to get a feel for which DPS characters I felt comfortable with really quickly.

Yeah maybe I should spend more time getting comfortable with the heroes before going back to placements. But I still think they should try to tweak the placement system. I’ve personally had it happen to me and have heard from other people that they get placed differently on their main roles depending on what the previous SR was on that account.

Here is where i suggest quickplay, i think thats the issue with 2-2-2 people treat ranked like its quick play and you should play roles and learn there. If you are weak at sigma dont play sigma in a ranked game (Just as a an example). If you play at plat level then its because ur good enough to be there you just might not be good at that role. So queue up in QP and play there first dont go to ranked and play if you arent comfortable.

That’s fair, I’ve flexed forever so I kinda get an idea of all the roles. With the exception of tanks, I suck at tanking.

Honestly just turn off chat and voice. People are toxic to me on my alt even playing 2 ranks below my main lol. It’s not because you’re bad.

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Lots of DPS you don’t need very good aim to be decent at like sym, reaper, mei, torb. If you have diamond game sense I think you should be able to at least maintain plat with those.

I suppose that is true. I guess I shouldn’t let one bad game hold me back. Everyone has bad games even on heroes they are good at.

Haha just got out of a game on my alt that’s 1000 SR lower where people were toxic to me for being “bad” despite the fact we were winning and I hadn’t said a single word. So I let them lose. :joy:

idk i personally enjoy ruining the matches cuz of this, it shows people not to support activison anymore

I think you’d be surprised of yourself. If you play Zen and Ana at diamond you are already playing two heroes that are mechanically more challenging than 90% of the dps roster and on top of that requires very strict positioning. Just grind out enough hours on your favourite dps heroes in other modes to get a feel for falloff, ability cooldowns and unique positioning and you might be just fine.

I have played quite a bit of dps in QP and FFA but the last 5 seasons I have probably not played more than 5% of my comp games as dps and I’m around 3.1k on support and bouncing between 2.9-3k on dps. It’s really not a very difficult role to play if you are coming from support.

How did you come to that determination?

That’s not how the matchmaker works.

Here’s the section most relevant to you:

"Now let’s talk about placements in the new Role Queue world. To help us seed your role’s SR after initially completing placements, we’ve been tracking your match results as you play the three different roles for several months. We want to help identify your skill at each role, so we can place you at the SR that reflects that skill. If we do a good job at that, you’ll immediately start playing in fair matches. The more inaccurate we are, the more games you’ll have to play on that role until your SR can adjust properly to reflect your skill. This also means that the more games you played on each role, the more accurate we could be with your new role SR.

What happens if you’re a returning player, but you never played one of the three roles? Since we don’t any have data to help us guide what your new role SR should be, we turned to some interesting data science. We looked at the population of players where we did have data for all three roles, and asked questions like “How well does a typical GM skilled player who primarily plays damage perform on the other two roles?” We then duplicated that question across all skill tiers, and the three different roles. This gave us some guidance on how to adjust players who hadn’t played a role yet. We also temporarily increase your variance level for SR gains and losses, so in cases we’re incorrect we can adjust you faster to the SR that matches your skill."

The matchmaking system says otherwise.

No. Do not turn off chat. Do not disadvantage those on your team who actually want to win. Simply mute the toxic people, and coordinate/strategise with the non-toxic ones.