Rock paper scissor meta

There was once a time, when there were 3 viable comps

long range poke- widow, hanzo, pharah

Deathball-brig mcree rein

And dive- tracer, genji mercy

Long range poke countered Deathball, due to much of the core of deathball not able to touch a pharah or a widow far away.

Deathball countered dive for obvious reason’s. They dive the deathball, they more brawly comp by nature wins, and since every1 is togetheryou cant dive a widow somewhere far away.

Dive counters long range poke, bcz you can dive an ana, zen or widow winning the fight since they dont have tthe mobilty to escape and are naturally seperated due to being long range snipers who dont work that well on point.

This is what I want in overwatch. Not Mei reaper mirror match ups every game

how about


you wait till uhm

uh …

they made balance changes to 2-2-2 and

uh …

complain then ?

too boring, and too lazy to wait


hurr durr lets just spam the forums then.