Roadhogs position?

How do you guys like roadie now,is he too good still too weak or in a perfect spot?

He’s doing pretty good in bunker meta.

Either support bodyguarding or looking for those sneaky hooks. Decent in my eyes overall.

I think Orisa enables him to be better than he actually is. The utility he provides simply isn’t worth the free ult charge he gives the enemy unless the Hog is a hook god.

I think they should break up the heal on his E to give a smaller heal immediately, but follow it with a heal-over-time, during which his damage resist decays. He’d have less burst healing, but he’d feed less ult charge and could heal while fighting.

Hog should get a passive reducing ult charge the enemy gets from him by 25%. I believe it would make him slightly more viable but not broken.


I don’t like it when he kills me just because I’m stupid.


he is not in a bad spot but this, he still feeds far too hard but he can do work, still garbage compared to zarya but most characters are

You. I like you! You keep posting on these forums! We need more people like you.


So… If you werent stupid, would you like it? :nerd_face:

He is only viable when you run an Orisa and an a Baptiste/ Ana.

If he needs 2 heroes to be viable then he is not in a good spot. D.Va and Zarya do a similar job but do it far more consistently and don’t feed ult charge anywhere near as much.

He needs buffs. Not big ones but something to help him compete with Ally bubble or DM.

He’s basically the new Tracer, perfect for flanking the enemy Zen.

Just make sure you go as far behind the enemy team as possible so you’re really deep when they find you.

The perfect kind of bacon.

Hook is his only redeeming factor. Take that out of his kit for a moment and you’ll see all the flaws pop up immediately

Hoggystyle :pig2::person_fencing: