[ROADHOG] Simple way to remove the "oneshot"

I’d rather they just lean harder into his displacement capabilities than try to keep his damage high in some areas.

Its bad news because almost every rework Blizzard has done has-

  1. Ruined the core identity of heroes (Torbjorn, Symmetra, Bastion)

  2. Either made them extremely OP, only to be nerfed into being a boring bot (Mercy, Sombra)

Their track records of reworks haven’t been very promising and I can’t imagine Hog will be better for it.

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thats actually a good idea since you would have to aim a bit. hmm and if its still too strong then you can go 4 m

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It’s actually more of a 50/50, on whether you move 2m and fire primary, or move 2m and aim secondary. Or if the enemy player pops a defensive skill to survive.

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This is most likely what they’re going to do, given that they’ve done it like 5 times before. Not sure about the exact range but they seem to like messing with it as a parameter.

I mean, it makes sense to me.

Hog hooking people to 6m is finw, but he needs a way to get kills. As he was terrible when they nerfed his combo last time.

If the devs don’t want to make any new animations then I say they change his scrap gun to be a proper shotgun that can consistently get kills without hook.

Bogur brought up one of the best changes to hog i heard on SVB’s podcast today. Take off hooks stun, so you can use abilities as he pulls you in. It adds skill and cooldown watch to roadhog and makes it less brain dead.

I kind of hope we get that heal he had that created a mist to heal those around him.

I wish they’d tone down the hook combo as OP says, but I do believe Blizz will tone down survivability as you say here. This game is all about dps carnage and they want him to still be a killing machine.

They literally said they will get rid of the hook combo, you don’t need to complain about Roadhog anymore.

Tanks need 2 fundamental things.

  1. Durability
  2. The capability to give their teammates a positioning advantage.

With your idea he’d be somewhat better at #1, but he already had a ton of survival. But he’d suck a lot at #2, relative to other Tanks.

Not sure what you mean by the second part, but Ty for the feedback :slight_smile:

Basically Hog’s hook is a tool for zoning, and the threat of the hook is almost more important then the hook itself.

If he suck at zoning, then he sucks at making it more difficult for enemy players to stand in desirable locations. i.e. He sucks at giving his team a relative advantage at positioning over the enemy team.

I see what you’re saying now. I agree tanks need some way of making the enemy back off. However that’s typically achieved with being scary close range. A 15 metre hook combo kill is still very scary close range, and even mid range.

Both need looking at tbh. Roadhog shouldn’t need the hard counter to be Ana. Reduce his Breather damage reduction and he’ll be fine

I mean idk, the fact that you “need” Ana to really deal with him and then him being useless unless you use Kiriko to cleanse says a lot about him.


Hog mains must be really upset I guess.

I understand the skepticism but I think we can only go up from here in this case unless they really aren’t interested in doing an actual redesign.

Keeping his hook but giving him more utility instead of his absurd damage output doesn’t sound like it would ruin his identity really.