Roadhog should be a dps. He's a healthy dive counter...but lacks tanking abilities

The thing that’s unfair about this is his “tank hitbox”
How do you even solve that problem? Make him smaller? XD

Yes, hook is a good ability to disrupt enemy’s formation and capitalize focus fire in the isolated target by the hook, problem is it was made an insta-kill ability, so high reward, but easily countered by barriers.

He pretty much relies on a synergy that can set up a guaranteed hook, like Halt could set up for him. I don’t see many other options of set ups since some displacement abilities (like piledriver and others) got nerfed, you know?

Roadhog is an off-tank, meaning a tank but not in the traditional sense. Characters like Reinhardt and Orisa are main tanks, characters with shields that can block incoming damage to get you through a chokepoint and roadhog doesn’t have any of that, all he’s got is a hook and a fat body.

What makes Roadhog a tank is his ability to pull someone from the enemy team to their death, creating an opening for your team to attack and a tank’s job is to create space for the team and he can create the said space by displacing the enemy. Then there’s his healthpool and hitbox which tend to draw the fire of the enemy team from supports and the dps. If the enemy is shooting roadhog while the getting killed by the dps and the supports are just relaxing then roadhog is doing his job as a tank, soaking damage that should be going to other targets.

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You forgot Whole-Hog - his tankiest ability - his space denial ability.

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Nah, that’s kinda silly. He’s fine as an off-tank IMO.

Tanks make space. Don’t tell me Roadhog doesn’t make space, because his Ultimate, as well as his Chain Hook are a CC. His shotgun deals quite massive damage, for a tank. It’s enough to tell people “hey, get back. This is my space”. As a tank should do. They’re the big boys (and girls). They push people around. Hog does exactly that.

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wait so he isn’t a dps?

It’s like you people have never heard of body blocking. Yeah, it feeds ults but it protects the mercy trying to res.

I wouldn’t mind seeing him get a passive where damage against him only gives half the normal ult charge to encourage more body blocking.

I mean, with that kind of logic we can say any meta hero is good at countering anything that isnt meta. In double barrier zen was meta, therefore zen countered double snipers, and dive, and mcree, and rein, and zarya…

Just because dive, a comp that hasnt been meta in liek 2 yrs wasnt played into orisa hog comps doesnt make 1 hero from that comp suddenly a counter to a whole comp. When dive was actually good and the meta, hog was not being played to “counter” it. He was an easy kill and with DM plus dive heroes mobility, he didnt get that much value from hook, but he sure did feed ult charge and melt with discord on him.

Or people could stop being pendantic and actually try playing Dive into a Roadhog and see how that works out for them - I’m willing to bet it wont go terribly well for poor Winston. It seems like people just have poor memories or weren’t around for previous metas when “Bunker” was Anti-Dive" before it was Bunker. Hook is a pretty damn strong detterent.

During dive “bunker” was ran on like 1 map, junkertown with bastion. Just like every meta in the game, ppl didnt counter it, they mirrored it. If the winston and his team are decent at dive, hog wouldnt be a problem. He can avoid hook with his barrier, and if he does get hooked, dva is there to DM the follow up dmg. In s1 owl hog was pretty much never played vs dive, when he did see some play was when brig already existed, and the meta moved away from dive dps and was double sniper.

Personal experience doesnt count for too much, but I did spend all of s5 in top500. Where dive was the meta, and hog was a rare sight there too. He was just too easily countered BY dive, and fed tons of ult.

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I’d say hook denies more space per match but maybe that’s a bad metric

There are already 16 DPS characters and only 8 tank characters. If you’re going to swap hog to the DPS roster be prepared to lose multiple DPS characters to tank and support. Only fair.

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Sincerely a Hog main.

:slightly_smiling_face: Hog could easily become a Tank, if they would just try.

Something like this is what I’d prefer, ignore the context made it after Jeff K made his 1 - 3 - 2 reply. :sweat_smile:

Necro it, if you want. :man_shrugging:

Orisa/Hog was pretty popular back in season 9, there was a solid rotation of Orisa/Hog, Winston/ and Rein/Zarya before Brig hit and sent the game to hell.

Also if we are bringing season 5 into this, Hog was still neutered by his nerfs then.

Hog’s actually one of the few tanks that can actually tank damage thanks to his large health and his healing ability.

Every other tank just gets lasered down when the enemy team shoots them. I think Reinhardt is the best example of this.

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Hog isn’t that far from Orisa. They both pew pew. Take-a-breather and fortify gives them both dmg reduction and allows them to push forward or hold their ground (using their hp pool, like a good tank ought to do). Take-a-breather even heals. The difference is Orisa can still shoot during fortify and the cc immunity allows her to keep doing her job and she has a shield, which seems to be what you want a tank to have.

Roadhog does everything a tank needs to do except provide a shield for the team to stand behind, which is fine. Hammond doesn’t either. Zarya doesn’t. D.Va doesn’t either. Roadhog lacks a defensive ability that synergizes with the team, but he more than makes up for it with the hook.

NOPE, moving a hero from one class to a other is just dumb in the first place and Hog is fine in the tank line.
He is a sleepy pick right now and a good Hog can carry a game just by being on the field.
Moving him would not just hurt the tank line for heroes and playable metas but also take away one of the best tanks to deal with OP dps heroes.
That is a fat no from me, and i should NOT have to go into more detail about why this is bad.

His tanking ability was to Create space with his easy oneshot combo and damage.
Now he is a joke at creating space and mainly feed espcially at lower ranks was a tank because she had matrix, now she is a joke and they buffed her mobility making people more upset

I agree but we might run into the issue of hog then being played in a suede-goats comp.