Roadhog needs a passive

No this would mean that healers would have advantage by gaining ult charge from healing the damage he took while the one damaging would just lose on ult economy

You can suggest buffs but not something like this

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what if healers didnt get as much either like a 10%

call it “Extra Dirty” no one wants to get ult off someone whos dirty. Idk my brain no think good anymore.


I was thinking calling it “Thick Hide” “Mutant” “Radiation” or “Cynicism”

If both his supports and the one attacking him are equal then this buff is fine

I like that radiation idea, but not for roadhog. that would be a way out of the box Ultimate idea for a new character. When they activate their ult anyone who damages them loses ult charge. Could be a good support or defense ability.

but Hog is passively radioactive though.

I actually think that it would be cool if friendly supports were less effected by the passive than enemies, because Roadhog doesn’t have much utility for a tank, but I am also intrigued by the direction your suggestion would take Hog comps.

IMO Road Hog does need SOMETHING, ATM he’s usually only played to combo with orisa. Since he is a tank, I think a tank ability should be added to make him more than a simple brawler. I think take a breather could make a smoke cloud to obscure sight, not a shield like rein, but it should stop some dmg from going to you team.

honestly what i think he needs most is more ammo and the rediculous amount of recoil being removed from ult.

Whole Hog is supposed to succ though.

Or remove ult charge altogether.

Then he is underpowered. THAT IS THE POINT. Babies cried about his janky one shot. Now he gets to watch as people pop a CD and run away.


If hook canceled momentum like McCree’s flashbang I’d be in heaven.


I agree, by now, roadhog is just an ult battery who occasionally gets picks. This can change up the meta :slight_smile:

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IMO it should be higher. Around 60%.

Why? Because at a very basic level, Hog provides around twice the possible ult charge to the enemy team that he does to his team. Not 25% more. Not 40% more. 100% more. By reducing the ult charge gained by 60% you move him from breaking even to having a small advantage, which is what he needs since he’s actually a bit weak.


He only provides more to the enemy team than his team if he dies, otherwise it is the same amount. Plus McCree isn’t the most meta pick and vs people like soldier, Zenny ulti is much better to have.

Not as good as the master or gm roadhogs on here, so not sure how he feels at high levels. The one fix I feel he needs and reaper to a lesser extent is for their weapons to be consistent, even more noticeable with poor hardware. Sometimes hogs gun is like an anti tank artillery piece and other times it feels like a confetti cannon, either reduce the spread further or increase the projectile speed of after the split or better still give him a consistent spread pattern.


Nope. Absolutely wrong.

The problem you missed is over-capping ult charge. A roadhog that takes 800 damage during a teamfight and survives will generate 800+ points of ult charge for the enemy team (all the damage roadhog took + all the damage he dealt that got healed).

Meanwhile his team gets charge for all the damage he deals, all the damage he heals, and all the damage he takes that gets healed by his healers.

The imbalance here is that the enemy team can spread that ult charge out over all six members of their team while Roadhog can only spread it out over three members of his own. The moment any of them cap ult, his team is at a immediate ult economy disadvantage until such time as an ultimate is used to allow for more ult charge generation.

You are twice as likely to waste ult charge on your end if you play roadhog, and that is a significant disadvantage.

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Yes, exactly. Other tanks at least have a way to mitigate or block some of the damage. Roadhog literally just has to take it and has no way to stop damage except to break line of sight.


but this his greatest weakness. you can’t just delete it.