Roadhog doesn’t deserve to one shot

This excuse is old and tired.

It’s a combo that is indefensible and usually kills 2/3 of the roster before they can do anything.

That’s a one-shot combo. And only glass cannons (Hanzo, Widow) should have that kind of power to delete 1 enemy at will. And for them it also requires skill, yet they have far less defenses.


Except widow only has to shoot at a pixel of your head. Weaving in and out of cover against roadhog works, but against widow you can still die and roadhog doesn’t have unlimited range like widow or a way to open an angle with grapple.

You are very free to do it then. Any ping spike or server instability will render the victim alive. Or any heal. Or any displacement. Or any stun. Or any invincibility. Or any damage prevention.

8-10m*. Longer than 10m he can only 1-shot a torb cuz the spread is already kicking in hard.


You’re seriously going to argue about technicalities? you get hooked then your most likely dead. Range has nothing to do with whether or not something is a one shot. The combo functions as a one shot. Just because widows one-shot is better doesn’t mean it doesn’t end the same.
It’s not some complex puzzle after landing a hook.
If you’re having this much trouble playing hog then maybe you should get better.


After all these years, it’s come to the point where Roadhog apologists on this forum are pretty much trolling us with their defending him, and claiming his hook isn’t overpowered.

Hog’s pickrate in every match, and how in some modes like 4v4 you just switch to him and immediately start winning, are proof to this.


I disagree, actually. I have no idea why Overwatch fans got it in their head that a character can’t be defined by their signature ability, but I think we should address that.

For example, Syms main thing is her teleporter. Its a thing that she can uniquely do, and no one else can. For some reason, people hate the idea of her being defined by the thing that defines her. They call her a TP bot and other stupid things.

Hog is his hook. Its what you pick him for. Why is this a bad thing?

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Depends on the victim, Kiriko and Sojourn are still very hard to combo.

Semenatics more or less. Yes he has to do all of that to oneshot, but while he does the hero he’s killing has absolutely no counterplay.

The moment you are hooked there is absolutely nothing you can do.

Overwatch has a serious 0 counterplay problem

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nevermind what i said i was false

just tested it out lol

but still its a very minor step

imagine going against widow, sojourn, roadhog, kiriko, lucio.
What do you imagine the amount of one-shots (including hogs hook) being blasted off per every 10 seconds is? Now what about a full match?

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Instantly accuse me of being bad because hard cover and playing heroes that make hog have a rough time is a foreign concept to you? Quite a few tanks have a way to melt a squishy if you’re out of position like sigma rock → primary or dva combos except they have actual team utility besides that.

He can, did you ever right click a squishy at a perfect distance? He can one shot lmao.

And he doesn’t need to headshot once he hooks. Hook damage 30 + full body shot 160 + melee 30 is over 200.

And yes, he would be useless without it, so they can’t change that.


Out of those 3, Roadhog will be your least problem.

I both play him and more often, play against him as other roles. He’s no more of a problem than a zarya or orisa in your face because those 2 actually has the means to avoid/negate damage while chunking your hp down in under 2s. If you actually are using your keyboard hand, you live longer than 2s against a hog, because he has to read your movement first before hooking you or just left click you and miss at least 1/3 of the pellets.

The amount of hogs I literally just ad spammed to make them miss the hook is beyond numerous at this point. Hate to say this but this is a get gud moment.


git gud.
(20 characters)

You consider lucio as having a one shot enjoy being hard stuck :rofl:


Character design issue.

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Do you really think Hog is an issue here? Widow and Sojourn will be literally one shotting you way often then hog can do his combo.

You pick a character for their skills. To say hog being useless without a core skill is a “character design issue” is like me saying a car that can’t run without an engine is a “manufacturing issue”.

Which is to say “yes, it is. It would be poor game design if Hog didn’t have his hook.”.

He would be perfectly killable if Ana was viable. Unfortunately, Kiriko can cleanse both of Ana’s cooldowns faster than Sleep is available. And give invincibility.

That’s besides the point. I used a realistic team comp as an example. As someone else already pointed out, hog doesn’t suffer from being a glass cannon. The only thing hog exchanges is shorter range. that range is still highly effective with how big most maps are and how much self sustain is afforded to horg. The only drawback is not a drawback at all for a tank.

But back to my point. how many viable one-shots are there in a single game with roadhog? I’m not talking about the other one-shots in this thread just what could be realistically accumulated overall in a match with horg, sorry.