Roadhog doesn’t deserve to one shot

he’s already unkillable with his self-heal and two healers by his side, he shouldn’t be able to one shot most of the roster as well

and that’s not even mentioning not being able to cancel his ult anymore


He can’t one shot. He has to land a hook, step forward, hit most of his pellets into your head, and then melee. To kill a 200Hp target. That’s not really a one shot now is it?
Worst case that’s 3 different attacks that need to be executed perfectly with no interruptions or block. So that’s not a one shot


I wonder which hero you will pick next for a complain thread



Combo’s and one shots aren’t the same thing.
Hanzo can one shot
Widow can one shot
Sojourn can one shot


It’s not a one shot but he clearly needs adjustments if he’s truly that terrible without that one (busted) ability.

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It’s not really that difficult to pull off and happens in the same amount of time it would take to do a one shot anyway.


it’s mostly just genji and roadhog. both deserving

You should add Doomfist and Tracer in that pool then you collected all my mains

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nah even i’ll admit doomfist sucks right now

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He’s not op but he’s bad for the game just like old Orisa was. But sometimes DPS players play him so whoops too bad!


Not really. A one shot is instant. His hook gets interrupted all the time. Sleep, Defense matrix, rock, javelin, really any CC before he reels you in. It’s not always easy to interrupt it but it’s certainly not impossible. I mean it’s probably not that realistic in low low Elos but I see it get blocked all the time in Diamond or so. A widow or sojourn headshot is instant and there isn’t anything you can do about it once the shot is lined up and fired


He can. But it’s rare. And mostly with his alt fire if it spreads out directly into your face :sweat_smile:


Hog is a “threat tank” and the threat of his hook is how he makes space for his team.

Without that and being at least somewhat hard to kill, he’d be bottom tier, below DF and JQ by a longshot. They removed the combo at one point and he dropped to like a .8% pickrate.

Best advice is to stick with your team, use corners to break the hook, and wear headphones so you can hear him coming.


Hog can one shot with primary and secondary, but you need to hit good headshot, with all the pellets hitting the target’s head. His secondary can only do it in exact 10-11 metters from the target.

Talking about wording and ignoring the actual issue are we?

It’s effectively a oneshot that’s not terribly difficult to pull off.


skill issue


Roadhog one shots can be played around with matrix, suzu, immort field, stuns, and more. It’s not like a widow/sojourn insta death where you can’t react to what’s happening


Getting hooked is certain death in most scenerios. lets not pretend landing the hook combo takes any more skill than widow aiming at heads.


Except the hook can be avoided by playing around cover so it breaks and many hero abilities pretty effectively. Just because your teammates leave you to fend for yourself doesn’t mean it’s certain death.

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same can be said about widow. who has a one shot. & no, hook stuns after landed. yes hook isn’t as guaranteed. but landing the hook mostly means certain death, yes. if the hook breaks then you didn’t land it.