RIP Widowmaker [MEGA Thread] </3

Personally, I find Widowmaker way more unfun than Brigitte. Lol.


ohh comon… if the mercy will babysit the Widow… the team will lose any fight… at least in the Master - GM ranked.
but when a Winston jumps on a Widow and Mercy shifts to her to heal her she might be dead even with that pocket.

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Bye bye Widow
Widow bye bye
Bye bye Widow
Widow bye bye

You will not be missed.


So easy for Tracer to target Widow on Anubis gates, Hanamura catwalks,
Hollywood roofs, Junkertown, Gibraltar, Horizon platforms, King’s Row 1st and 3rd roofs, Illios roofs and many other wonderful barely accessible areas!

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widows in a good place rn even after nerfs. If you struggle to get value out of her, its because you lack skill

Man, don’t even think a Winston has a chance to waste more than 8 seconds against a pocketed Widow. Especially in Master/GM …

The current stages has Hanzo and his storm arrow already.

And double snipers is being run regularly.

Someone not paying attention to Owl, they are playing the new Hanzo.

A. I’m pretty sure there is one in this world that is simply good as widow, anything is possible.
B. Even the best Genji’s, Winston’s, D.v.a.'s, and Tracer’s can get shat on by the widow, and you’ll have a team on standby to protect you. Countering widow is easier said than done.

About damn time. Thanks for removing that bi–AHEM that blue lady from literally every game I play.

Hitscan heroes are gonna all be trash at this rate. Guess it was nice to play Widow for a while without being dived on by 2+ heroes every match.

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Where is your evidence stating that its just supports calling for these widow nerfs, because from what I’ve seen there are many dps players annoyed that the only viable picks right now are widow and hanzo and many tank players who feel like having to run at least 1 main tank and being 2 shot by a dps they cant even dream of touching is garbage. The reason why there is so much support angst right now is due to mercy being the only viable main support, not her fault since blizzard decided to give her an op rework she didn’t need whilst nerfing ana and moira for no reason.

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A nerf is a change made directly to a character or weapon to make it weaker. Widow’s kit and damage was not touched at all, except for her machine gun fire falloff, and grapple hook cooldown. So those are the only true “nerfs”.

The falloff changes and symmetra ulti are an indirect nerf, but yes, that will impact widow gameplay, so i hope overwatch keeps a close eye on her.

Just because something is no longer meta, does not mean it’s a nerf.

Just because a character is viable, does not mean it is a nerf for other characters.

First off, Zenyatta, brigitte, and ana can all heal Widow consistently and have better reason to than a mercy. All you are complaining about is mercy pockets not happening to widow as much, which I think would be the opposite with less heals. Imagine if her healing was 0, how often do you think she would pocket damage boost widow then? A lot more, so even by your own logic, less heals = widow “buff” not nerf. Also a healer getting nerfed is not a nerf to widow.

Not a nerf, characters have had shields since Beta, and a nerf implies a change to widowmaker as i said before.

Not a nerf, it’s part of symmetra’s kit. However, the addition of this ability makes Symmetra a decent choice against comps running widow.

I agree with this, because the hook is so garbage to begin with.
This is just one more way for Blizzard to take away every ounce of her utility, even that which she only provides to herself, probably so they can go give even more utility to Hanzo.

She’s still widowmaker for all the reason’s she’s Widowmaker. She’s even more Widowmaker with less utility.

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My understanding is that matches are decided by who has the better Widowmaker, and it’s been that way for awhile.

I expect this will just make good Widowmakers play a little more cautiously.

Again, i don’t like the nerfs either. Just trying to give some perspective.

there are a lot more maps where a Tracer can get u easily… and at those maps u were talking about a Tracer can kill you sometimes for sure if she flanks.

but lets go…

Widow stands highground in Temple of Anubis attack point, sniping the point… Orisa stands infront of her with a shield dmging her… Widow’s hp go from 200 to 100 to 80… Widow didnt kill anything and gotta drop herself to the mega behind… a Tracer comes fast to finish her to death…

Widow doesnt have to be dead to be countered. if somoene shoots her she already cant do her job. her power is where she surprise the enemy…
I mean, if u know that the enemy has a Widow, and u stand infront of a Widow… wouldnt u hide? wouldnt u spam crouch and move? ofc u would… but what if the Widow surprise u in the position where u think ure covered? thats her power! but after 1 shot of doing a sneaky step… she will be seen and countered… with 10 seconds it will be harder for her to escape… playing behind the team with her not always a good gameplay because there are tons of shields… there are a lot of moments when Widow find herself useless, she takes the right position but still, cant do anything… so shes going to be sneaky to help the team push. high risk - high reword mode.

her mobility gives her the chance to protect herself abit more and not being pocketed by healers which already meant to push with the team and not care about a hero that stands behind…

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an inconsistent projectile that only does max 75 dmg… ok then

Possible sure… but you’re talking about outliers… not the other 99% of us on the most middle part of the bell curve.

They’re probably getting shat on by the best widow who is still arguably putting in more effort/skill.

Across the board Widowmaker has nothing close to the highest win or loss rates… in most places she’s actually below average by like .5%. If a Widowmaker player is winning, it isn’t by magic.

Less Widowmakers? Finally!


TBF, 80 per shot and with no falloff is pretty terrifying.

But Mei is quite limited with what she brings, so that change is a bit crazy but necessary.