Rialto now in Competitive Play

thank you thank you

Thank you so much. As long as said new heroes aren’t packed with stuns I’m happy.

The less stuns the better, since I enjoy playing the game without getting stun locked.

Exciting as in making poor soldier even less helpful than symmetra with the armour.

Dive already put him down pretty hard, but the armour makes his damage near usless.

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Thank God. Thank you so much from reverting from that other horrid plan

Now if only it and Blizzard World would actually show in rotation.

I swear I’m just about sick and tired of Nepal, Eichenwalde, Volskaya, and Hollywood. I feel like they’re all I ever see. >_<

woohoo unbalanced maps even faster.


I’m totally against this idea. You should keep new heroes out of play till the next season but actually use the time to balance them. The wait for Brigitte was pointless because you never bothered doing any balancing before she hit comp, then threw a band aid patch on the PTR a week after what we’d been saying since she hit live, that she was an incredibly oppressive and broken character, turned out to be true.


Just bring out new characters 100% balanced, lol. 4Head

Here’s the thing though: if you want to balance new heroes for a competitive evironment instead of the usual clown fiestas of 5 flankers + the new hero in QP or FFA DM, you need data from a competitive environment for that. Tons of data. Data you can only get in ranked.

Feedback from the PTR or QP/Arcade might give you an indicator, but those are only opinions, and often conflicting ones at that.
Ana and Sombra for example were incredibly weak on release, and still you heard feedback in both directions. IDDQD for example said before Sombra’s release that she is absolutely “ridiculous”, “OP”, “Sombra is just too powerful as it stands right now.”
And what happened? Two weeks after release nobody would touch her with a 10ft pole in ranked any more.

So you kinda have to bring new heroes to the ranked environment and balance from there.

The only question worth asking in my opinion is whether Blizzard should err on the side of caution or not with their initial balancing. I personally prefer the approach of bringing out new heroes maybe a little bit too strong and nerf them in the upcoming weeks instead of the other way around. When a new/reworked hero gets played a lot the meta shake up makes the game feel fresh again, and as a developer you can gather tons of data about the real impact of the new hero.
On the other hand: once a hero is considered “trash” by the community and hardly played any more, things are more difficult.
Even if you’re convinced as a dev that some hero is actually balanced, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the public perception agrees. Ana’s new buffs right now for example are so small that I think their main intent was to remind the public that Ana exists and isn’t a throw pick in a tank heavy meta and that people should check her out again.


Did I miss the week where you put the new map in rotation in the arcade as a permanent card, somehow? That’s how I’ve always gotten to learn the map before it went into rotation before.

If you’re going to be putting new maps in, please give us the opportunity (and the incentive) to learn them first.

It was in arcade, but it was removed after a week or so :confused:

Then why in the world is Petra in ffa comp?? 2 of my first three placements were on a map that I know nothing about…

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Blizzard i think u got one of the worst friking anti smurf/hacking system! the entire day i’ve playing against throwers, leavers, smurfs and cheaters and nothing is happening like WTF overwatch turned in to pure friking cancer as soon as u went out with bridgette! and with that friking broken hero you make so many heros unplayable like genji, hes fing trash at this season! u make the game so fing boring! only thing u want is money nothing else then money doing updates to get more people to buy it then not doing a poop aginst the hacker or throwers fing hell even a roblox server got better anti-cheat! tbh learn to do a game fun

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This isn’t the place to be posting that -.- Also you spelled Brigitte’s name wrong.

Its honestly better to release new heroes towards the end of a season, that way if theyre OP or give you abnormally large stats you wont have people playing them and getting placed higher than they normally should.

This happened to me with brigitte. Even though i practiced her for 10 hours before the season started, i still think i shouldnt have been placed 120 SR higher than where i ended last season.

Also MAP RELEASE DATES DONT MATTER, because both teams have the same amount of time to practice on it, and both teams have to attack and defend or cap. Its the same conditions. So you can even throw them in a week after release.

So … also fully tested and fixed within 2 months after release? :wink: