Rez...It's Still Broke: Mass Rez wasn’t the Problem

Then please specify what post you’re talking about? Can you tell me what exactly the post said?

You can’t just reference a vague post being false flagged without actually showing any evidence of it. If you cannot show anything to prove it’s a false flag, or even say why you think it was a false flag, then your entire argument is discounted.

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So, are you saying remove resurrection?

I think that’s the gist of the OP, yes

Ignoring everything else because we disagree on all points

However, while yes, current rez is still a mistake reversal, it’s value is perfectly fair considering all of its gating mechanics, the reward has to be worthwhile and currently it is, you wouldn’t expect Ana to throw her nade and have no effect, abilities are a power spike on heroes’ kits while ultimates are huge power spikes, that’s the point

I do understand you want 60 hps back but such value cannot coexist with rez as it stands, so we agree on that at least, however, I don’t want Mercy without rez

This is inconsistent though.

Revive could be argued to be the most powerful part of her kit, whereas Valkyrie functions almost as if it was a watered down secondary ability. It’s value makes no sense when you look at Mercy’s (and every other) hero’s kit.

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It is not. My point is to discuss why the rework doesn’t address the core issues seen in mass Rez and how it is a design flaw that is being ignored. You can address this flaw by either fixing the system, throwing the system out (begone ranked!) Or throwing out Rez itself. What matters to me is that the design flaw is somehow actually addressed

Only if blizzard is too lazy/ refuse to fix the system. I don’t think you should buy a new car just because you have engine troubles. But you can’t drive a car with engine troubles either. Getting rid of the car and getting a bus pass is not my go-to solution, but … It works.

It is not.

Valkirye is WAY more versatile than rez is, it increases your survivability greatly, rez on the other hand puts you at risk momentarily in order to show value, that’s why I say it’s balanced, yes the reward is strong but it’s not free, unlike Valk where the requirement is for you to charge it

That’s why mass rez was flawed, all it took was you charging it and after that, nothing, count corpses and you’re good, valk is WAY more interactive


But the problem is gone

with mass rez Mercy were getting higher SR than they should have

Now they’re not

There’s not really a realistic scenario where a bad Mercy player is going to get off a bunch of rezzes gaining tons of SR while the pro Mercy players keeping everyone alive are either failing to rez/not rezzing at all/going entire games with 0 team deaths

Tbh I don’t feel like you’ve even acknowledged the base point of the post and keep directing it to the Rez mechanic itself. This is not a post about the Rez mechanic. It is about Rez reward and how that interacted with bad Mercy play. If you want to discuss Rez itself as a mechanic, I have another post where I detail my thoughts. It is allso a long read.

I do not. I have no preference to how Mercy plays so long as the design Is good. This can include or not include Rez, but I am not limited to rez being a change. She could have her beam removed and only have pistol. If it is balanced and good design, I am fine.

Rez numbers are the same for pre and post reworked mercy. Her Sr gains are the same because that was not addressed in her rework.

I’m not saying the numbers should be zero. I’m saying it’s weight is unfair if you do manage to have low Rez numbers. Moreover , Rez numbers themselves don’t equate to a win. This is the point of my post:

To which I stated my opinion O.o the reward from rez is fine, I like it, it’s not too much and not too little, there needs to be no changes about it because the skill itself is a core part of mercy with its nuances and whatnot

The current design is good, you dislike it for all those reasons however that doesn’t mean it’s bad, you just dislike it


It in fact is not gone. That’s N7’s whole point, and the point I was making in those sample numbers he quoted.

The reason Mass Rez over rewarded was because each Rez was over weighted. The more rezes you got, the more SR you gained for a win and the less you lost for a defeat. Think of it as if you let your team die and inflated your rez count by 6 during mass Rez era, you would gain 60SR for a win and lose 20SR for a loss. It doesn’t require that many wins to go up in rank. That was why there were hide and Rez players going up with sub 50% win rate.

That problem STILL exists, but with Rez on a static unmodifiable cool down it is much harder to see that happen. If you have a longer than average game and get more Rezes you’ll see the pattern start creeping back into play. If you have a game where there are very few deaths and your team stomps, even if you are healing everything and you are boosting/battling your brains out, you’ll get garbage SR rewards because your rez count is low.

This is the problem; the core issue was not fully fixed, the mechanic that made the problem obvious was removed and left the core issue alone.

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its only unfair in a scenario you’re painting that doesn’t exist

You’re saying there are bad mercy players getting rez off getting more SR gains than good Mercy players not needing to rez getting less SR

But if they’re a bad player in any real competitive match they’re not going to get those rezzes off


I literally gave a scenario in which this occurs in my post.

Safe rezzes to boost stats still serve the purpose of sr rewards for bad play. This is not the only time trash stats occur. The point is that Rez stats alone mean nothing similar to how “damage done” alone means nothing.
Rez should not be an independent variable but it is and that’s not gone just because mass Rez is.

I’ma just say that I love how my nickname is n7.

Also, bold of you to assume I’m a he and not a genderless Asari. :wink:

The data that one person boosted was like a difference of 8 rezzes

bad players are lucky enough to get 8 more rezzes than good mercy players?

Yeah, it was an assumption and one I shouldn’t make. I should have put “they” but wasn’t really paying attention. Mobiling and doing the weekly chores I keep putting off doing because adulting sucks.

The data was meant to illustrate a point. The point being that the Rez count matters significantly more than the healing, but healing is Mercys main job.

I’m just messing with you. Its the internet. Feel free to assume I’m a genderless Asari commando.

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