#ReworkValkyrie. Not Mercy

Mercy is really op right now in the sense that she can provide a ton of value in long term fights. That’s because of valk.

But she provides no midfight.

I don’t think valk needs a rework, I think valk needs a nerf. And I also think Mercy needs some kind of buff to give her that midfight ability/potg moment.

Buffing Valk will make her win rate incredibly high in higher ranks. It’s already competing with Ana right now, all while some people think she’s useless lol.

take a look at

Looking for more input

I personally believe that something needs to be done with res. and that means taking it off of E, which would domino into a rework.

Heck let’s just all get behind the #deleteMercy movement finally… it’s gaining steam slowly.

I actually like using Valkyrie.

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Ehhhh. I sort of agree, sort of don’t.

Rez can be the best ability in the game, but it has harsher restrictions than most ults so it’s very situational to use and the value of it can be near 0. Rez someone and have them get instagibbed a second later and you have a 30 second cooldown, a more staggered teammate and regrets, assuming you didn’t die as well.

Changing Valkyrie won’t address that. Nor will it address Rez having the same trend as Scatter, in it plateauing and effectively being a limiting factor.

And unlike Orisa, who can get PoTG for a well timed Supercharger crushing the enemy push, with Orisa also being able to benefit from using it by increasing her threat level, Valkyrie is something that only increases Mercy’s nuisance level.

I can still easily focus fire through it and secure kills, I don’t have to kill or neutralize Mercy to progress, she’s secondary. If I have an Ult that will take advantage of her and her team’s position I can use it, but there’s no real urgency or need to do so because Valk is essentially being Discorded if she’s boosting, or fighting through a little more than Moira’s lingering heal if she’s healing. Nothing crazy threatening.

The threat of Mercy v2 is, and always has been, Rez. And unless it’s made to fit or play as an ability it will continue to hold her down.

Resurrect as an E ability that’s on a fixed cooldown I feel is also a problem, especially as it temporarily suspends Mercy’s flow. Valkyrie however is an issue too, but not the only issue. They also need to adjust ‘on fire’.

Yeah, she used to get too much fire meter but now she gets no where near enough.
Maybe 100-150 would be enough.

Why not just get rez off e and fix valk

Aka a rework

I’ve thought a nice change could be to remove infinite pistol ammo, remove the beam chaining, add damage boost to the heal beam, increase healing output and give her beam target a small radius of healing and damage boost at a reduced value.

Her target priority is maintained and the ult could actually incite and sustain a push.

And maybe switch Res from a fixed cooldown to something more like Moira’s healing, so that whether or not you can Res depends on your healing output.

I really hate having rez on E - abilities should be fun to use as well as useful, but rezzing is terrible because it’s 1,75 seconds of “I hope the enemy team doesn’t know how to aim or has absolutely no clue what’s happening around them”. It’s an ability who’s success mostly rely on others (either your teams competence in protecting you or the enemy team’s incompetence in stopping you).

So yes, I want a full rework.


Rework with Resurrect removed all together.

Please, do enlighten me.

Also, Mercy’s potg chances are tied to her rez. If she rezzed a teammate who managed to get a multikill, will Mercy be the one who gets potg.

Just wanted to clear that up.

If they’d just remove resurrect to Q during Valkyrie with a set cooldown or number of charges, and remove it from E altogether, they could finally start to balance her out from under the oppressive power of non-ult rez. By reducing the total number of resurrections per game, they may even be able to give her a new, more interesting E.

Anything else is too complicated a solution - I don’t trust them to completely rework a character anymore.

And it’s just really an anti snowball ability.

Mid fight rezzes are usually incredibly dangerous, can cost a teammates life by not healing for 2-3 seconds and if someone else does die, it’s just a feeding ability afterward.

Well that’s not the ult still, that’s Rez. Or whip out your pistol and be the most aggressive pacifist you can be.

Ana can atleast throw nano and do good damage on top of it to secure, which is her ult.

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