Rework Valkyrie

I miss having a “Big Darn Hero” moment when I use Mercy’s ult. I miss her ult being an extremely valuable resource, I miss it being this huge moment that sets off a domino effect capable of winning or even losing the game for your team, depending on how you use it.

There were actually a lot of mind games involved if you were an “active Mercy” during her classic days. If you could predict the domino effect correctly, it felt like you held the world in your hands. That’s a feeling I want back.

I also really, really don’t like rez on E. It feels awful to use, and it’s handed out like free candy to both good and bad Mercies alike, on a set 30 second cycle.

I remember when tempo rezzing was actually Mercy’s most difficult skill to learn - remember, a bad rez could lose you the match, and it was something you couldn’t afford to waste no matter what. You had to be a really good Mercy to get rez often enough to use for tempo rezzing.

I really want rez to be taken off E, and restricted to Mercy’s ult. Rez is too powerful to be a cooldown ability. I don’t see how they could buff any other part of Valkyrie without stepping on other ult’s toes, unless they made rez a major part of it again. Give Mercy something else on E - it was not having a mid-fight E ability that made classic Mercy so ult-dependent in the first place.

I want to see Valkyrie reworked.

Example (tear it apart, bros)

Take the chain beams away.

Take away the super-regen

Shorten Valkyrie to around 6 seconds

Restore the old PTR flight speed

Give Valkyrie one free, single-target, fast casting rez (used by pressing the ult button again). Let Mercy “overcharge” her ult meter - aka filling it again after valk becomes available - to get more charges of rez to use in Valk (capped at 5). At the end of valk, all remaining rez charges dissapear.

This new Valkyrie would be about zipping around the battlefield to rez as many allies as possible before you’re shot down by the enemy.


50 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018