Rework sombra next?

Like, a total rework. None of that “hack is now shorter but haha jk now its 2 sec cd and you can forget about health packs” kind of tweaking. I think that’s the only way people will be happy with her.

If they rework her I flip ten thousand tables. That would ruin the whole concept and the character for good.


That is my greatest fear. I love the play-style so much and I am sure that the changes will ruin it. They technically already changed her play-style from the EMP bot as is. Which was not terrible, per se. I just fear for the future. Especially after Mercy, Hanzo and Symmetra’s reworks. It is going to be some crazy skewed balance, no doubt about that.

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They already are reworking her

Its apparently a big buff tho

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torb rework is coming up next so maybe she’ll get her ‘significant change’ in the same patch

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This. She doesnt need a rework at all. Just keep tweaking her current kit slightly.

Stop throwing around the word “rework”. Just because you dont like how a hero plays doesnt mean they need a rework. That buzzword is becoming overused on the forums. Rework Hanzo, Rework Bastion, Rework Sombra, Mei needs a complete rework from the ground up.

Just stop. These are the heroes and how they were designed. SOME needed a little working to fit in the current state of the game but that doesnt automatically mean every hero in the roster is in line to get one, or needs one.


And what did you have in mind for this “rework”? What would YOU do with her? You say “rework REWORK” but offer zero ideas.

The rework in the july patch is supposed to be substantial. Couldn’t really get worse for her so I’m excited to see what it brings

Jeff has already confirmed that Sombra is getting improvements in the next PTR, which will hopefully go up tomorrow.


Love how they “fix” sombra twice. Meanwhile it’s been over a year waiting for bastion for literally anything.

Here, one suggestion for an ‘improvement’…

Remove EMP as ult. Place in new ult called “La Marioneta” 5-7 second ability to take over ANY Turret, Tire, Omnic, or MEKA (and use all their abilities, sans ult) on enemy team to use against said team. Any attempts to suicide any omnic/MEKA taken over will result in ulting player’s death as well. Destruction of turret or tire, however, will not result in ulting player’s death. Cannot cancel ult unless on stable ground, so you can’t just jump (to suicide) and cancel.

Bastion needs attention, however this is not a competition. Just because Bastion is in a bad state doesnt mean Sombra doesnt need fixes.

Also @OP no she doesnt need a full rework. Her kit is fine.

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