Rework Mercy for the health of the hero

Resurrect needs to be removed.

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Alright, it’s still not why her healing was nerfed though.

She has infinite healing and is a pocket healer and the previous HP was too high on single targets.

Pocketing people such as pharah with non-stop 60DPS requiring a person with good aim to even take them down when they are little dots in the sky.


I’m down with removing Resurrect if it means we can give her some sort of healing augmentation or other utility


And the current HP is too low on single targets.

To literally quote the patch notes where her healing was originally buffed from 50 to 60: “this will solidify her role as a strong single-target healer.”

Mercy is an unsoldified single-target healer.


I disagree, mercy is an awesome pocket healer. I play her all the time.


You can run two “off healers” if your team comp isn’t built around taking a bunch of damage and needing heals though an extended fight. You can still run a classic dive comp successfully, for example, with Lucio and Zen as long as your team is coordinating dive targets. When a fight is over quickly, heals aren’t nearly as necessary as utility.

Mercy’s base kit is mostly the same but Valkyrie gives her many more options for keeping her team alive. Mass resurrect didn’t do anything at all unless her team was already dead. It’s the only ult that literally couldn’t be used at will. I’d rather keep my team alive in the first place.

I can’t say enough about how much I love Valkyrie as an ability. If you want to see that it does so much more than you’re giving it credit for, here’s a thread I made a little over a year ago showcasing some of what it can do.


This is actually true, i’ve seen so often people running things like Brig/Lucio.


Brig isn’t an off healer anymore though. I play Brigitte A LOT and almost always outheal Mercy, Ana and sometimes Bap/Moira.

She has so much more healing now vs prior to her rework.


You can argue all you want about liking Mercy or whatever but don’t act like the game is the same as it was 3 years ago. You can not run Lucio/Zen anymore. It is literally just throwing. Lucio had a bigger radius back then, there was only 3 supports (Mercy being the third) and far less damage in the game. Soldier 76 is in the best state he has ever been, even better than when he was meta and now he’s one of the worst DPS picks. While there are some games that might be won that way, it is less than suboptimal to run them together in current OW. Just because it was meta 3 years ago doesn’t mean it isn’t throwing in season 20.

I understand that the game is different now. I explained why the combo works based on its own merits, not based on what it was like years ago. Lucio’s speed boost and healing are both more effective now but in a smaller radius. It’s still effective if you stick together. It’s also easier to counter now that there are more tools available but this game is built around switching mid-match anyway. They don’t have time to switch if you dive blitz the first point and win the first team fight.

You’ll get no argument from me. In Mercy’s current state, for the majority of players (e.g. outside of the pro scene and GM), she’s a different story. I get that she’s fine in ranks like GM, but one can also rely on their teammates most of the time in such a rank. What I dislike about Mercy is how she’s more effective as a damage pocket these days, not as a main healer like she once was. Then there’s Valkyrie, outside of Battle Mercy it doesn’t necessarily feel like an ultimate ability, but if you go Battle Mercy then you may get hatred from your teammates if they die from lack of healing. Then finally there’s Resurrect, an ability that’s somehow become a standard ability on a fixed cooldown but doesn’t appear to fit.


Mercy needs buffed atm, she is too weak.

That’s also assuming the enemy team isn’t running the more meta comps which is based around high damage, high heals, utility, and CC. While dive in general can work, even with better heals a lot of the time it gets messed up very quickly. In current OW it’s just not even worth going for. It worked 3 years ago, its just 1 in a million chance of working in current day of OW. I had a game where we ran Mercy/Zen so low heals but high damage. While we won that game, it was extremely risky and suboptimal. My point is just because it can work doesn’t mean it’s a viable strategy. It just isn’t.


She’s completely fine/balanced where she is right now.


People make one or two threads on mass resurrection and then a bunch of other people smell it in the air and start making their own posts.
The chain reaction is really predictable and funny to witness.

Not when she has the lowest amount of healing & damage combined per match & Resurrect being a “kill me” button. Resurrect is one of the weakest abilities in the game because of all the major downsides the ability has. Yeah, it has major impact in the moment, but 30 second cool-down, 1.75 second cast time, -75% speed during cast, 5 meter range, & can extremely easily be interrupted and put on cool-down, which is devastating because the cool-down is so darn long. Immortality Field is still stronger than Resurrect even after the major Baptiste nerfs because Field can save an ally (or multiple) when you use it, has less of a cool-down, cannot be interrupted, does not make Baptiste vulnerable, AND he can still shoot at enemies or heal when it is out. Mercy is just weak right now.

Mercy was over-nerfed to get her out of the meta way back when.


Entirely depends on how the mercy players uses the ability. Don’t use it in risky environments, the mercy player is doing something wrong if she’s dying whenever she goes in for the rez. The great value and impact rez can have on the fight alone is explains why it’s not instant, she can’t move around freely (considering it gets disturbed if she’s out of LOS, so it’s good she that she doesn’t have much mobility during the ability).

Baptiste just got nerfed hard…

Still, Mercy is balanced and fine. :blush:


Doesn’t mean they can’t reduce the cast-time some.


If they won’t remove Rez, then make it not on a static cooldown.

I do not like it’s available at the start of a match, making the importance of a first pick pretty much pointless.

These are the changes I would like to see to Mercy:


Caduceus Staff

  • Healing increased from 50 to 55 health per second


  • Cast-time reduced from 1.75 to 1.5 seconds

  • Movement speed penalty reduced from -75% to -65%

  • Cool-down reduced from 30 to 28 seconds

  • No longer can be interrupted due to distance from the target


  • Ultimate cost increased from 1820 to 1940 points

  • Duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds

  • Healing increased from 60 to 75 health per second

  • Damage boost increased from 30% to 35%

  • Regeneration self-healing increased from 20 to 25 health per second

  • Resurrect cast-time reduced from 1.75 to 1 second

  • Caduceus Blaster no longer has infinite ammo

  • Caduceus Blaster fire-rate increased by 20%

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain an immense amount of height even when there was no ally to fly to in the direction she traveled

OnicX Comment: Mercy’s overall healing & damage output when combined was lower than every other support, so Mercy needed some more healing. Resurrect had so many restrictions for it that it often felt like a week ability; there was also a problem of Mercy self-canceling her Resurrect, that is fixed with these changes. Mercy’s ultimate, Valkyrie, has been shifted from a 15 second duration to a 12 second duration ultimate; the idea with these changes it to make Valkyrie feel more impactful during its use. Lastly, there has been a bug in the game known as Mercy Superjump, and using the bug involved using a strange combination of button presses to pull off and took away one of Guardian Angel’s weaknesses. Mercy was nearly untouchable all of the time from close range enemies when players took advantage of this bug.

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