Rework Mei's Cryo-Freeze

Mei uses Cryo-Freeze in two ways; to dodge CC and damaging abilities, or to stall and self-heal. Unfortunately, using it briefly to dodge something leaves Mei with a crippling 12-second cooldown, and using the full duration doesn’t even completely heal her. I propose reworking Cryo-Freeze to have two windows of usage, with different effects.

Mei instantly surrounds herself with a block of thick ice for up to 4 seconds, ignoring damage and crowd control effects while encased. After 1 second, Mei recovers 80 HP per second up to a maximum of 240 HP. If Mei cancels Cryo-Freeze within 1 second, 50% of the cooldown is refunded.

This makes Cryo-Freeze more rewarding in both of its usages, though with the trade-off of forcing Mei to choose between healing or a shorter cooldown.


<----- 4.1k Mei main

I’d prefer that they just fixed the fact that some CC abilities can cancel her cryo-freeze even after the cast has finished (like Roadhog’s hook for example)



I wish, but that’s not a bug, it’s favor-the-shooter. If Roadhog sees you get hooked on his screen, then that’s what happens - but on your screen, unfortunately, lag makes it seem like you got hooked through Cryo-Freeze. I don’t see how Blizzard can code around this.

EDIT: Apparently it is a real bug? Who knew. Although CHANGEMEI’s clip is definitely an example of Favor-the-Shooter.

Well, they said this over a month ago.

Incorrect, it IS a bug. The proof is in the fact that you can often see the cryo-freeze animation starting in the killcam of the person who killed you.

This means that your button press DID register with the server. If favour the shooter was the cause of this, then it would not show the cryo-freeze animation, because the server would override it. But the fact that the animation is visible in the client of the enemy, proves that it is a bug.