_____ #RevertLucio _____

The previous thing did bring a lot of good buffs to balance it though

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I…dont think so, not enough really. Its not important though.

THIS change, brings with it a Speed Nerf, and thats the most impactful change.

Yeah no, I like the new aura. But yeah the patch notes didn’t say anything about speed. I guess I’m on you guy’s side.

It made him a better duelist IMHO which is important as he can very effectively protect his support duo.

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You are overreacting.

This is the item from Geoff. It needs to be reverted.

This is far from a buff, limiting a heroes skill ceiling and nerfing their speed for a QoL change?



new lucio does not feel nearly as satisfying as the old lucio.


That’s because you have not adapted to him yet.

Get used to him first.

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Man on the old forums, aren’t you the guy who was all about ‘aggressive lucio’ and you loved the ‘DSPStanky Style’?

I think we have a huge gulf between our understanding of Lucio’s place in the game if thats the case.

This change is a nerf. Flat out.

We gain nothing. The wall riding is easier, but not IMPROVED.
We lost speed. This is actually a meaningful loss!

This patch is a nerf, for any good lucio.

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Sir, what you are asking is physically impossible. I don’t care if I’m being nitpicky at this point, old lucio is just better.

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I still do, and that’s really irrelevant to the topic at hand…

The “gulf” you refer to is merely a difference in opinion.

I maintain my position that you cannot expect to play Lucio 1.0 with Lucio 2.0 and expect to be a good Lucio player. All good Lucios play more aggressively, use wallriding as a core tool, have good cooldown management and positioning, and know how to control the flow of battles with him. Old Lucio could not do this effectively at all - DSPStanky was basically the revolutionary who changed that and basically caused Blizzard to build Lucio’s new kit around his playstyle to make it more efficient, and today, Lucio is in a better place because of it.

Again, your opinion. Overall, it’s a minor nerf, offset by a couple of major buffs - Boop costing no ammo = more burst damage potential; Wallride being less hindered = more control on when to jump off or stay latched on to a wall, all the while wall-skimming is more or less untouched.

Overly dramatic, but not exactly true. Your gain in damage potential, and the fact that you’re harder to hit when wall-skimming/sticking to a wall at basically a time of your choosing make these changes PLUSES to his kit.

We lost a MINOR amount of speed which only really affects Reddit rollouts to a large extent, but not to a crippling one.

Not really.

Spend more time learning the new wallride. You’ll understand why.

This stupid sunk cost fallacy argument is a bad one and needs to end.

This would seem to indicate you have not even tried the PTR. This is fundamentally false.

The new wall ride is FACTUALLY slower FACTUALLY gives less boost, and ‘sticking to the wall’ was NEVER the skillful part.


Good Lucio’s stay alive. This is FACTUALLY going to make that harder to do.

Can’t believe people are so whiny about this. He can still speed boost, heal, ult and deal damage all the same (even more with RMB not taking any ammo). Wahhh wahhh wahhh is all I hear.

If you cannot see that these things matter, thats on you.

  1. it is very much improved. Current wall ride is janky and was never very intuitive. We just learned to work around it. You will no longer have to memorize map geomtry to get the most out of it. It changed how Lucio interacts with corners, making wall skimming and corner jumping harder. That part does suck. I still think it will be a net positive once we get used to it.

  2. I don’t see why the speed nerf was needed either.

I dont think it so much changed, but with the combo of the speed loss…its broken? This post calls it out correctly.

Hey console player here. Is it really that game breaking or is it an easy adjustment? I love lucio and he’s my original main, but I know overall he isn’t too hard but does this make him to easy in your opinion or is he unchanged for the most part?

He has less potential now. That is FACT.