I had them recorded from when I made some Mercy threads a really long time ago. There isn’t a current source for them. I pulled them from Overbuff at the time.
What you see as meaningful or not isn’t relevant, but saying that Ult economy is important? Sure… Saying it’s more important than it was when Mass res existed. Ehhhh sorry, I completely disagree with you.
Without mass res, the threat of using your ults properly has a lot less weight in my opinion. I don’t believe that there’s any ult that caused so much foresight than mass res, and honestly, striking such fear into the enemy team with it after an entire games worth of being focused down and harassed made it all worth it.
The trade of of having a hero that was so weak offensively was the ability to manipulate ult economy, that was pretty much her schtick besides her single target healing without doing damage, and it made up for her weakness in battle, so… Not sure how you missed the concept of that.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
As a Sym/Orisa main, having your hero in F tier isn’t fun at all.
That’s how economies work. The more you invest, the more you should get out. Why is it bad now.
I find this funny. Many Mercy mains used to say that this countered itself and therefore Mass Rez was fine. There still are ways to counter ults without ultimates.
They are punished. They lose a powerful pushing tool. You need to utilize the fact she can damage boost too.
That’s how economies work though.
Yeah… and no one hero should shift such a fundamental part of the game like that. Zen/Lucio was the support combo at high levels after Ana’s reign ended. That level of punishing ult economy only existed in the tiers where disorganization and such allowed it.
No one hero should shift the whole way the game is played to such a degree. That was part of the problem. I’m sure it was fun for you, but a lot of people didnt appreciate the minigames that came with someone deciding to play Mercy.
You can have a hero with both high variable output and guaranteed low-impact value at the same time. Look at Zenyatta. Half of his value to the team is provided by his orbs of harmony and discord, which are really easy to use at all skill tiers. The other half of his value to the team is provided by his relatively fine aim requirements.
Soldier is another great example of a hero who is really easy to pick up, but hard to master. His weapon accuracy mechanics leave it completely up to the player to choose how much expression of skill they want to attempt by controlling his fire rate, making his weapon a valuable tool at all ranks to go along with his healing that you can always count on, usable by low ranks to cover their own mistakes and by high ranks to sustain their teammates.
Blizzard is right to want heroes who have consistent value with little demand. Overwatch needs heroes that are easy to play at an average level in order to attract new players and remain healthy. That a hero’s baseline value is easy to attain, however, does not mean that hero should then be excluded from opportunities to carry a team in high level play.
Easy to play but hard to master should be the ideal that every hero design strives for.
I have one reason and one reason only for not supporting a mass res revert: 2cp overtime.
Yeah definitely. Comes down to hero design etc etc what value is gated behind such as aim requirements or resource management etc.
Mercy is clearly one they’d like to keep very simple it would seem. Otherwise, why not resource meter?
Where has Blizzard directly responded to the idea of placing Resurrect-on-E on a resource meter? If I’ve seen it, I’m not remembering it in this moment.
Which is why I know for a fact that they can’t balance this rework. Heck, the most recent nerf wasn’t even changed by the rework; her heals have always been the same since September (2016).
Her winrate suggests that she is bad in all tiers. That is not what I’d consider being brought down to the level of other supports.
She’s starting to look underpowered… Likely scenarios:
She’s still OP because of Resurrect on E which the devs are so reluctant to nerf.
She’s underpowered because the 50HP/s is not good for most scenarios and it makes Valkyrie way too weak.
As a Mercy main, playing her in F-tier until she was made OP against my wishes, what’s fun to you and I are subjective. I think that mass res was fun, you did not. We can leave it at that and agree to disagree.
Knowing when to use your ults should matter though. Not just “how many to use.” That isn’t ult economy, that’s spamming ults until the loser runs out of them. There is no strategy or timing, there is no actual risk. It’s a lot more linear and predictable now. You may have not liked this, but for me, the added wild card of knowing whether or not the Mercy had her ult made winning a lot more meaningful. It wasn’t just a “kill em all till they’re dead” game, it was a mind game as well. That added strategy made fights a lot more exciting. I can’t say the same for her currently. What I will say is that I personally have seen a lot more people leave this game then back then, mostly due to said boredom. Hmmm I wonder if part of it has to do with changes to heroes that make them less impactful, like Mercy? Ponder ponder…
I find this funny, you are generalizing that statement as being said by “many mercy mains” without quotes that prove it. Do share the list of these “many mercy mains” who made the statement of “this countered itself and therefore Mass Rez was fine.” I’d love to see it
- Winrate dropped below 50% since her healing nerf
- “Her damage boos makes her a powerful pushing tool”
hmm… Seems legit.
That’s how bad ult economy works.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
This is literally the compromise that would solve this whole debacle
Why are you like this Geoff
It can be said they couldn’t balance mass rez as well. Otherwise, why the invuln?
Going from must pick in all situations to having a niche basically would also account for that. People need time to adapt, and as we’ve seen in the past, Mercy is capable of rebounding after a long time.
Still far too early to tell. The -10hps on heal might have been too much, but we’ll see.
It still does matter. Just because mass rez isn’t involved anymore doesn’t mean there isn’t this element still in play. There’s no reason Mercy should stand as gate keeper when it comes to this. The ult economy arguments aren’t really relevant.
Ult economy still works like it did, you just don’t have the minigames involved because someone decided to Mercy.
People seem to latch on mass rez hate as if it was impossible to balance. All it really needed was counterplay.
I think a good reason people need to remember when considering mass rez vs cd rez is that mass rez is used to counter ults, meaning itd be used in ult exchange fights. Whereas cd rez is used in nearly every teamfight, prolonging every teamfight due to mercy getting a charge every 30 seconds.
It had counterplay without invuln. Thus, why the invuln?
Even with invuln she was regulated to Pharah pocketing in the pro scene and Mass Rez would be blown just to bring Pharah up.
People seem to underestimate the problematic nature of mass rez.
Quibble with this sentence. Blizzard was incapable of balancing it and didn’t know what to do with it in the context of Mercy’s kit - that’s why we got invuln.
I was there at launch. They added her because most often mercy died when rezzing. True that was the counterplay, but invulnerability removed that.
I dont think that s any different from the way she was recently used to pocket widow makers in the pro scene.
Just because the devs couldnt balance it doesnt mean it couldnt be balanced. With the years worth of mercy problems, the complaints from sym and sombra mains of their hero’s reworks, it s a bit clear that the devs dont have a clear view of how their changes are actually gonna affect the game. For example, mercy died too often pre invul and invul rez has no counter play? What s a good middle ground for this? Damage reduction. Still not good enough? Require line of sight. Need more? How about a cast time dependent on the number of heroes being rezzed? The bigger the rez the longer the cast time.
Dont put the devs on a pedestal. That just cause they couldnt find a solution doesnt mean there wasnt one.
Same. And exactly, they added it because she’d die while rezzing so often. Now we want to go back to that, with cast time, with LOS, etc, etc? Makes no sense to me, as we’re just creating a situation where she is worst off than she was when she was given invuln for the sake of having mass rez.
True. As youve pointed out even with invul mercy was leaning in the lower end of the tier. But id pick a version of that over the current one wherein her core kit is being nerfed just to make space for cd rez (an ability no one really likes)
I can definitely appreciate that. It’s understandable. At the same time, I’d like there to not be such a hard cap on Mercy play in essence. I’d, ideally, not want her to be regulated to just pocket play. While she may not be ideal, I’d still like her to be a viable option.
It’s hard to really conceive of a version of Mercy that includes Mass Rez yet is still viable in the highest tiers outside of pocketing just Pharah or Widow.