Reverting Mercy is, IMO, the best option to balance Mercy

Ok but then your left with a bunch of problems. Firstly, one of the reason why she was reworked was that she didn’t have an e ability. If you’re suggesting to combine Resurrect and Valkyrie you also need to suggest a new e ability for Mercy. Secondly, one single resurrect would make her extremely horrible. I mean you went from being able to rez every 30 seconds to just once in an ultimate. Kinda overboard don’t you think? I can imagine the riots outside of Blizz headquarters.

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sure, she could get a small burst heal on e or cleanse that becomes rez in valk. Also the riots would be from mercy mains i don’t think anyone else would mind.

That’s not the point…

it kinda is, if mercy’s rez is still the big issue… locking it behind valkyrie is a way to balance it. Otherwise just remove and replace it with another ability. Simple as that.

Where is your source? Maybe I haven’t followed closely on this.

Though if true, I do agree managing two performance-reflecting resource bars is kind of complicated to use. Other resource bars(e.g. Torb armor) don’t directly depend on the player’s performance and requires active management at the same time.

I’d rather have multiple single Rez during Valkyrie and Valkyrie only. People want it to be charged anyways so why not combine it with her ult. Also it increases the skill ceiling, impact and “fun-ness” on the ultimate so much. Though she would need or lose an E Ability.

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Or you’d just be nerfing her to the ground and be causing even more outcry and discord amongst the overwatch community.

Stop suggesting this because Blizzard won’t do it. It’s one, way to controversial and two, they are way too committed to balancing res so them just removing it is extremely unlikely.

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you keep saying overwatch community, but it’s really just mercy mains. No one beside them likes rez, no one beside them wants mass rez back, most people just want rez gone from the game. Most of community wants that.

Me suggesting this is the same as people suggesting revert, it’s not going to happen. Devs have made their minds and stances clear on this issue but no one seems to be willing to accept that in mercy community. So since we know rez is not getting a revert nor that it’s getting removed, the only logical thing is attaching it to valkyrie, making it instant and having only one charge. That way she has to ‘earn’ her rez and not have it from the start. :smiley:

I can’t find Geoff’s original response but this is what he said.

i think its a bit too complicated, we've intentionally avoided doing stuff like that.

One of the reasons why Mercy was reworked was because she didn’t have an e ability. This makes the merging of Valkyrie and Resurrect even more unlikely.

So you’re the kind off person to generalize the Mercy community so negatively. You’re acting as if only Mercy mains will be affected by the changes.

who else is going to be affected by rez changes except mercy players and other support hero players who will finally get to play their heroes without being yelled at to switch to mercy? I’m genuinely curious.

Everyone who has a Mercy in there team? Lol tf.

that’s unfortunate, maybe they should learn to play another main healer so they don’t get yelled at to switch like other healers have been yelled at for well over a year now. :smiley:

Casually avoided what you’ve just said :sunglasses:. Cool

I’ll try to find it then. Is it on the forums or somewhere?

I read it as the devs think Mercy should have better mid-fight potential rather than only Mass Rez. tbh I think an ult that is over-time helped a lot already(which is also why I think reworking Valk is easier than reworking Mass Rez).

Other than that I think Mercy could still have a relatively simple E ability (closest thing would be beam boost?) to allow her to make plays and showcase individual skill

no i didn’t. If mercy becomes a troll pick, mercy mains will have to either endure what ana mains have endured for 1 year now or learn to play heroes that they don’t like playing or face automated bans because of reports. In the end it doesn’t affect anyone but mercy players.

Don’t think so.

This is just gold :joy:.

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News flash before this rework Mercy player’s were being told to switch to Ana. So what is your excuse then?

They played her when she was a TROLL PICK. Hell thats the whole problem they have. They DONT WANT HER TO BE A META DEFINING HERO freaking idiots out here.

They were fine getting dunked on for Mercy being a troll pick. Even so no one would get too mad because she wasnt out shining the other supports back then. She just existed and the occasional troll player would use her to climb the ladder because of the SR exploit, hence hide n rez.


wow take a chill pill man, no need to call people names. So extremely rude, might have to flag your post now, sorry.

It affects everyone when a must pick hero is changed so much. All the meta that has been possible because of her, alongside others, would change.

Why do you think a revert is the most “viable” option?

He’s probably just upset because of your ignorance (no offence). I mean, its the first time I saw someone confidently say that nerfing a hero will only affect the player that plays that hero.