Reverting Mercy is, IMO, the best option to balance Mercy

It was a common complaint…we did not have a years worth of over and over and over again nor did we have 4 (5?) megathreads…especially not after a response from the game director himself (which evidently is not enough for everyone)…

At this point it’s absolutely whining

All Blizz has to do is give her a single, instant rez during Valk and take rez away as a c/d ability, problem solved.

9 megathreads actually. Also, only one response for over 100,000 replies in the feedback threads altogether. that’s pathetic. What makes it even worse is the fact that it wasn’t even replied to the megathreads. It was a reply to a player’s own thread… Furthermore, the reply was something along the lines of, ”her rework is a success because her pickrate is high”. Pretty sure the people ”whining” are justified.

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Or remove Valkyrie altogether. It has its fair share of problems too.

Remmember guys what Jeff said for ING comments: “If you telling me the heroes are broken and overpowered, It’s a complement for me”. This heroes should have overpoerwerd abilities. These abilities, are making this game diffrent and that’s what many players love in this game.

Pretty sure he was joking. No sane game developer would want to have broken and overpowered characters in their game.

I swear, he doesn’t joking.

I saw the video. He was being extremely satirical.

Like you want, I don’t need to agree with you.

I think Res should still be a thing.

Here’s how it should work:

  • Resurrect has a charge pool to it. It is charged by Mercy healing/DMGbuff, similar to ULT building dynamics. Once the pool is full, Mercy may resurrect. If Mercy is not healing or buffing, this charge will slowly degrade over time after a set grace period has expired, similar to how “On Fire” dynamics works. Perhaps a Mercy can strategically build a large pool, and stack up a maximum of 2 or 3 resurrects. Perhaps stacking any resurrects is too strong.

I feel this will move Mercy into an area where her impact on games has great potential while strongly contrasting a highly skilled Mercy vs a less skilled Mercy, depending on her impact. Currently resurrect potential is on a cooldown and many feel this is unfair because it not only “automatically” grants an extremely powerful skill simply by picking Mercy, it sort of hard-caps the skill ceiling of Mercy players, shoehorning her into an uncomfortable position on the roster.

  • Valkyrie ULT is still the same, however when the Mercy is healing/buffing her entire Team during ULT, this enables her to highly accelerate her Resurrect pool, to enable a Mercy to make those multi-clutch res plays, however she will still need great positioning and game sense in-order to obtain resurrects without being eliminated.

  • Resurrect dynamics are not changed, even during ULT; a Mercy caught in poor positioning during a Res should be punished accordingly.

  • Moving Resurrect into a charge pool system allows enemy teams who are playing correctly against a Mercy to strongly negate her resurrect potential in game.

  • Healing should stay at 50/s

On a change to Mercy, and I know Blizzard has made clear their want to make Resurrect fit, and I don’t personally think it would be impossible for it to, but another option could be to remove resurrect, again I know they try to say that won’t ever happen but hear me out, “Heroes never die,” is the voice line, not “Heroes live again”, or something along those lines. So why not have her ultimate be something that makes it harder to kill her and her beam target, instead of one that brings them back from the dead. Take away Valkyrie, let her keep the flight, and then have her beam target be under basically the effect of the current Nano boost, 50% damage boost, 50% damage taken reduction, while also allowing her to continue healing that target with both of her beams providing that same effect, and let her keep her passive regen (which by the way is less then the regen Moira gets from coalescence, but yea Moira can get stunned out of hers, I get that.).

That would make Ana’s ultimate obsolete and is why I suggest changing nano boost too, to:
No longer increase damage, or reduce damage taken
provide the 300 HP heal that they have added to it
increase the target’s speed how it used to be back in the day of bade blade reaper
Increase targets attack speed (it already sounds like it should be on several heroes)
Reduce the targets cooldowns (increase rate of cooldown), by an amount, I don’t know how OP 50% would be but probably less than that
Cause Ana’s scoped healing darts to have an even greater aim assist on that target, and the healing to be released as a burst from that target in a 10-meter radius with each shot that lands.
Ana’s shots don’t pass through her nanoed target even if they are at full health.


To make Mercy more dynamic why not let her pistol shots release little 2 meter bursts of healing on impact not enough to ever compete with her beam even when hitting 3 allies with it regularly, but enough that pulling out her pistol and shooting into the brawl could be seen as a viable alternative to just healing a single target.

and all of this is without once again nerfing her.

This is a lore related voice line. In the lore she can’t revive the dead but rather she saves people from the brink of death using nanotechnology. For game purposes they went for the latter option which is why “heroes never die” makes sense for her.

Hmm? Picture is very accurate :joy:


Here have a link!

Don’t spread it please XD.

now that I’ve read more about how old mercy can work with a few changes, i can see why. i support this now lmao

if only you showed me this post before?? xD i agree with you now :3

There’s hope that people will change :smiley:

Please spread this post in hopes that someone else with change their mind about Mass Resurrect as well…

Think about that

OK, I am going to come into this hopefully with a little bit of clarity and with a point of view that is based not on wanting any one character to be OP but all of them to be fairly competitive with each other.

Firstly I want to discuss the recent support changes. The rate at which these were released after the other changes happening to the game, Sombra changes, Hammond, falloff rework for hit scan, gave no chance for consideration of the effects of the meta that was already shifting. I say this because before Hammond what was becoming common was GOATS, and with Hammond there is a dive heavy build that is being run, both of which already, before the newest nerf, didn’t include a Mercy. Why did they not include a Mercy? One might ask this, if they hadn’t noticed were and why Mercy was being used. Mercy in herself, while people called her a must pick and lamented at her power, is not a character in and of herself, she is an attachment to a long range character of her team, this is due mostly in part to the rework that made resurrect an ability from being an ultimate, but was true before, when high ranks only really ever saw her as part of a pharmercy. With the new dive heavy comp that Hammond enables, and the moving ball of death that is Goats, Widow and Hanzo have fallen in popularity, and thus their tumor of power Mercy has with them, as Pharah has remained in her semi used space. The truth is Ana is a better healer for Pharah, especially now, than mercy is. Without a damage boost ana instead prevents Phara’s chip damage from being healed back up.

TL;DR The Problem with the most recent change to mercy was that there was no time given to see the changing meta shift away from her without another nerf on her. And the meta was shifting away from her pre-support changes.

Secondly, I want to talk about a fundamental problem I am seeing with Mercy, Resurrect, now I know some will immediately dislike this post because i have said resurrect is a problem, if they even get this far but please hear me out. I have in the past defended resurrect, and honestly don’t have a problem with it where it is. My issue arises when balance changes are made to Mercy, a reduction of the most important part of her kit her healing, are justified by the “mid-fight Power” of this ability. By leaning so heavily on keeping resurrect in the game, and judging at the power Blizzard have, they have made a character whose CORE part of their kit (core being the thing they want to keep as is and balance other parts to make the character “fair”) is on a 30 second cooldown, in the fast passed game of Overwatch that has only gotten faster with the resurgence of Lucio, and introduction of Hammond, a character how is locked to a 30 second timer for their “Power play” does not belong. Keep in mind that Anna, Mercy’s primary competition for a spot on a team has 2 play making abilities with the longest’s cool-down is 12 seconds, her ult is now basically a rez with a buff to anyone that isn’t a tank, and she heals more per second. don’t forget that her darts as of several patches ago pass through full health allies, making spamming into a team fight an effective healing strat, then compare that to Mercy, who can heal OR amplify someone else’s damage, dash between allies to save herself, and once every 30 seconds, which is once a team fight, give someone up to 600 HP, but only after a cast time that can be interrupted putting that ability on a FULL 30 second cooldown (Side note: Sombra, the only other cast time ability I can think of that can be interrupted her hack is not put on its full cooldown if it is interrupted.)


Here are a few things I wish would be considered:

Take away resurrect, Again I don’t dislike the ability and am not a person that thinks it has no place in a FPS, but if other parts of mercy are going to be nerfed so that she can keep something she can only use once every 30 seconds, I don’t think it should stay, it is literally holding mercy back from potentially being worked into a more dynamic character.

give back 60 HPS on the healing beam

Add a secondary effect onto guardian angel, perhaps a damage reduction or small shield that is gone after less than a second. something that can make using the ability into combat onto a key ally something that could be play making.

Add an extra effect on her blaster, I am think a small 1 maybe 2 meter burst of healing upon impact at the point of impact, with the ground or an enemy, and a second burst from Mercy if it hits an enemy, not enough to compete with the healing of her staff, even when regularly healing 3 targets with the normal burst, maybe like 10 HPS to each person in the burst(s) stacking if they are in both bursts, and perhaps doubling the healing granted from the burst from Mercy if she gets a head shot.

I also think that her ult should be more like what nano boost is currently (“Heroes never die”) and nano boost should be about speed and possible giving anna the ability to heal in an area from her ult’s target, but not going to go into more detail about that here as those first four I think would be great to have before asking for any more.