Revert The Movement Changes Now

or at least buff Lucio’s boop. Those changes completely ruined it. You can just walk forward to avoid getting booped.

It seems like every patch is out to get my Frog. First it was the movement changes, now the sombra changes. Don’t forget the ult change.

Give my Frog some help.


I disagree w people who say the sombra change is too harsh on lucio (everyone’s abilities are cancelled, it’s called being hacked) or the Ult changes (sorry u have to be smart about popping your Ult that makes your team invincible) but I do agree that the movement changes seemed to have done more harm than good.

What changes exactly? I’ve been noticing that you get pushed further by Lucio even if you’re walking in the opposite direction, so I have no idea what you’re talking about

You can control yourself in the air more than before. So now when you’re booped it’s really easy to just direct yourself back on to the map


It’s not the fact that he can’t use his abilities, it’s the fact that his song gets turned off. He becomes useless for the entire hack duration. I can understand speed, but not heal. Every other healer can still heal, why not Lucio? Why make him the odd one out? Why make him in a worse spot than he already was?

Btw you aren’t invincible during Sound Barrier, it just gives temporary shields.

You’re talking about a WHOLE different issue here.

I’ve been saving this for a rainy day.

You use Lucio’s ult in a reactionary way, to avoid mitigate oncoming damage. That means for the best effect, Lucio needs to be in the middle of the fight, where it’s the most dangerous. Even if Lucio lands the ult, it only lasts for 6 seconds with diminishing worth every second.
As for the Sombra changes, no other healer can’t heal when hacked. That’s incredibly excessive and unfair to Lucio. I’m down for hacking his wallride, but not his healing.


Astonishingly easy. I ran into an Orisa at high speed from behind and used boop, she landed almost exactly in her original location.

The air control given to people by the new movement system is disgustingly good, and a massive (although I believe unintended) nerf to Lucio and Pharah boops. Ulting Winston boops seem bad as well. I don’t play any Junkrat but his mines are probably nerfed too in this respect. Roadhog Ult boop still works well since it’s a steady stream instead of a one punch boop.

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We don’t need to be buffing things that are just slightly less cheesy than scatter arrow.

How is boop cheesy? It actually takes skill now with those movement changes. Even before those god forsaken changes, it took more skill than scatter to use.

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Boop is so weak now. It’s not a matter of skill, it’s a matter of the knockback being negated by moving

FYI We are talking about an entirely different subject here.

I’d put it as a matter of luck actually. It’s a miracle to get a boop nowadays.

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If she was shooting when you booped her, then she would be able to stop shooting midair and land almost in the same place. The same goes for while she’s shooting.

That’s weird, because I find that these days getting booped by Lucio pushes you even further despite moving against it. It’s only when he boops you more than 45 degree into the air does the air control really make it significant

Thanks for that. I forgot that Mechs (D.Va, Orisa) are more stable while firing.

That bad example aside, I feel that air control has significantly nerfed boops in general, and I am pretty certain that it was unintentional outcome of new movement logic.