Revert McRightClick

If you want for mcree to oneshot 200 hp heros just make it so he has to flashbang and then hit headshot, what he used to do to tracer
If there is fear that he is too op with this just make damage falloff beyond flashbang range go to what we gave now

Or, just don’t get close to him and problem solved.

Can we revert all the way back to 70 damage/bullet fth and no fall off primary fire?

Just click on him 4head

Everyone has counters. Mccree hates snipers and shield tanks. Genji makes us hate playing as well.

Didn’t he already get a nerf on the PTR?

genji is just op as F. his deflect shouldnt be doing damage if its a blocking mechanic.

They are. They’re nerfing it. :stuck_out_tongue: