Resonable Mei nerf

Wall duration lowered to 2 seconds. Cooldown increased to 12 seconds.

Cryo Freeze cooldown increased to 15 seconds

Mei auto attack now does 40 DPS

Do all these nerfs and that is reasonable. She would be balanced then.

I’d say do one of these nerfs, only 1 per patch, then stop when she’s balanced.

Which might be at Step 1.

Luckily, she’s mostly balanced for Diamond and below. So devs can focus on something that exclusively effects high tier and pro play.

She is only played so much by pros because of ice wall. Any other nerf suggestions are silly.

I’d rather make the ice wall more reasonable to brake rather than just increasing the cooldown.
I would just remove the pillar structure and make the entire wall one entitiy you can destroy.

After doing that you can adjust the proper health of the wall from there.

No lol. You do the Orisa treatment on her. Nerf everything in 1 patch and then buff her up when she needs it. Better to just destroy her as she makes people quit the game and nobody likes playing as her or against her.