Reset MMR, please

I’ve been wanting to make this post here on the forums for a while mostly because I want opinions from others!
So from my time playing on this account (This is an account I made a couple weeks back with my Boyfriend, we’ve been climbing, placed Plat and are now Masters) I’ve noticed a TON of people playing offroles in many different ranks, which is perfectly fine.
The problem that I am having, is the fact that people that are (example) a GM support, (Moira one trick for example) should NOT be placing GM on offroles, but it is happening because that is where their MMR is set when it comes to competitive play.
For example, the account that I have had the longest, is around 3800 (support), I decided last season to get into a competitive game on an offrole, just to see where I was at when it came to DPS, and to my surprise, I placed 3760.
This is a problem. I play at best, a low LOW diamond DPS, this is an example of how MMR has negatively impacted Role queue and competitive play.
Role queue was an amazing idea, and I remember having a ton of fun on the PTR, but they missed the mark when it came to MMR.
Personally, I am for them resetting MMR, it will not only fix the problems that Role Queue has now, but it will also bring back the excitement to the grind.
I remember when Overwatch first launched, and everyone was having such a great time grinding for the ranks to come.
This is something that I personally believe NEEDS to happen for the longevity of the game.
That is, although, just an opinion, but with the way Overwatch is currently going, I’m scared the team is going to work so hard on Overwatch 2, and still fail.
Just reset MMR, let us get back to the grind, and let Role Queue do it’s job fairly.
Thank you (:


Reset mmr every season, give players something to look forward to. It’s possible to climb in this game but it’s nigh impossible to drop and that’s a huge problem.


MMR reset would create huge chaos for months, much worse than situation you described with you being on masters dps while you dont belong there. Just play the DPS and eventualy you will drop to your proper SR, or maybe you will not. Depends how skilled you are. You reflexes and mechanical skill, awarness should be same as on your main role.


Should reset it every season.


1)Reset mmr
2)Chaos ensues
3) Half the player base quits because of dumpster match quality
5) No more profit since the game is dead


I feel like some players might RETURN to the game with an MMR reset. A fresh start. They’ve played for years and seen the same old oppressive system. It’d be like giving everyone who’s ever played a new account.

I mean, the game was a lot of fun at launch, with no data at all for matchmaking.

It’s bad enough with the number of smurfs in the game that you have high rank players in low rank games.

All an MMR reset would do would exacerbate that problem.

You want low rank players to look forward to getting stomped by high rank players at the start of every new season?

Because that’s what would happen if you reset MMR.

Stop with these ridiculous suggestions already.


Did you not play when role queue proper went live? Pro players in gold gaining 2 sr per win. The game was so much of a mess they delayed the season and fixed the mess they made. It’s a dumb argument for people who think the system is against them.

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That was a bug so you can stop trying to claim it as something it wasn’t.

Yes, it was a bug. A bug that reset mmr. They gained 2 sr because their mmr was non existent meaning in the eyes of the game, they were where they should be, .

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You guys only think short term. Over the course of a season, an MMR reset would be MUCH more fun and exciting. And i’d look forward to it each new season.

MMR Reset, and start everyone at the bottom. Every season.

Or… keep it how it is and play the same old games you’ve seen for three years in a system built to keep you where it thinks you should be. You’re going nowhere, but maybe DOWN.

Reset it, start everyone at the bottom, and let people rank UP to their proper ranking. And it could vary greatly season to season. Maybe you’re trying a new hero. Maybe you concentrated on a new role. What is your rank going to be when you start fresh, with those changes?

Certainly not the exact same for 18 seasons, like we have now. That’s no fun.

Yeah, I’d love the game to be based on rng. You could have 5 bronzes and the enemy could have 6 gms. So while the elite would climb back like it was nothing, everyone below gm aka those who can’t dominate a lobby would be relying on luck for a good port of the season.

Well, as it is right now is no better. From low silver up to diamond is all the same skill players just fooling around on alt accounts. The ranks are so screwed right now, i think a full reset would be the ONLY way to make this game bearable for much longer.

The ranks are a mess now because role queue did a piss poor job of accurately placing people on off roles. I don’t think a full reset would be the fix for that I will say they should have done more to get a better estimation of a players skill on off roles

maybe ones every year or 3 months because it is kinda dumb for a t500 to drop to high plat for 5 bad games

the only people that want this are low ranked people or people that are stuck in a rank if you are gm you are going to be scared of a mmr reset

Yeah, i agree with that. Full reset would be pretty chaotic. I figure why not though! Bring the chaos! Might spice things up a bit, give people a fresh start.

Probably the wrong time for it though. Trying to refine balance after Role Queue and stuff.

Well, OW2 better come with a full reset!

Stop with the strawman argument.

Their MMR wasn’t non existent. The matchmaker just wasn’t taking it into account, so the game didn’t know where they were actually meant to be and just placed everyone the same.

Overwatch 2 is the only time I would consider a full reset acceptable. I still don’t think it is the right move but if they are gonna do it, then that’s the time they should.

Except that Overwatch 2 will share Competitive mode with Overwatch 1 so no, that is not the right time to do it.

If they reset MMR when Overwatch 2 is released, then you’d have new players playing Overwatch for the first time with Overwatch 2 being completely stomped by former Grand Masters from Overwatch 1.

The right time to do an MMR reset is never.

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