Reset Everything

Jeff said that it’s not going to happen. They tried hard MMR reset in their internal testing and this was a horrible experience.

They are tracking our MMR on every role for months and the game has knowledge about your stats. Nobody will start from 0.


I dont think reset will change anything or solve anything, it will make the matters only worse. BUT do it, just for some fresh air

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I was placed Bronze, I am Bronze, I do not DESERVE to get higher.

Dude, do you even realize how it would be extremely chaotic first few weeks? diamonds placing their games with bronze or silver people… do i have to continue?

I mean honestly? I dont really care, I would like that. For me it would be fun, but for everyone below plat, it would be hell on earth. So even when I like the idea of reset, I know it would have horrible effects on community.

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This. They did a hard MMR reset in S3 and it was chaos for a good chunk of the season. I’d rather not go through that again.

It has been discussed way too often.

A hard reset won’t benefit you, instead it will screw up everyone else and make games horrible for a long period of time. Get an alt account and place that one, some people barely end up 1 rank higher and others end exactly where they are on their main account.


Oh no, do not take away my toy. I have no rank shaming left and cannot ask for bronze streams to make fun of them and feel so much better. It ameliorates my paltry life by telling everyone to git gud because Mercy is such a hard char to play. Such high skill ceiling oh my.
So, yes, I support you, no rank reset.

If you think people complain too much about smurfs now, just think about their complaints when they go up against actual GMs because all the ranks were reset. People are in the rank they are for a reason.

Absolutely, right on the money, they DESERVE their rank and if they are below Diamond they are actually not able to hold a hot cup of tea.
Not everybody can be GM, so, no reset.

GMs wouldn’t really care to stomp some easy games i suppose.

Agreed, let’s blow up the planet and start from scratch again.

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I’m gold. And I placed gold in every role in ptr. So no, no reset.

everytime theres a “reset” thread OP is always a low ranker

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Oh no not chaos for a few weeks. All I want is my sweet sweet hamster wheel!

Why not?! When the game was new no one had a rank…
and it worked its way out as well

Would just be the same as launch but 2.0

Everyone just starts from scratch

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It’s pretty boring lately, just for the fun of it do it lol.

Chaotic Evil d&d player…

There’s some excitement to getting a new account, and playing vs. literal masters players. That’s what happened to me. Level 1 - 3 was easy as heck. By level 5, i was vs. masters. Of course, it’s quick play, but it’s fun and new and exciting. Pretty much, you’d give everyone a chance to reset, and feel like they just bought the game. And hey, if they end up the same old rank then that just shows the system was pretty good. Everyone saying “but think of the match quality!” I suspect just might be worried they’d lose their rank they got to hold on to for so long? It wouldn’t take that long to settle down, so who cares. Burn the whole thing down and see what comes from the ashes.

We already have Masters players playing in Bronze on smurf accounts, and you want Blizzard to make it official thus validating smurfs?


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Nobody thinks theyre going to lose their rank (except maybe the 1% of pkayers that placed in GM 10 seasons ago and have only ever done placements since).

The reason high rankers dont want a reset is because they dont believe that the matchmaker is rigged against players. Because its not. So theres no benefit to a reset, except to cowtow to the people that think they are being held back by the system.

On the other hand, the negative repercussions would be seriously bad for the health of the game.

You’d have accounts placed too high or low because 10 games isnt enough to properly place someone. So then you have people dragging their teams down until they derank far enough, as well as (essentially) smurfs stomping the daylights out of everything in sight until they climb to where they belong.

The grind back to an appropriate rank is also a headache that some players just wont want to deal with. Some people only have time for a couple of games per day. So it could take weeks for them to be in a place where they dont either feel boosted or like theyre smurfing.

And, speaking of smurfs, every single one would thank you for the free SR reset. It saves them dozens of games of throwing, and it spares them from all the reports that would have come from that derank session. It’s like a fastpass to bronze

Well at the moment the game is already full of high diamonds farming bronzies on burner accounts, so I’m not really sure what the complaint is.

There was a hard reset after S1 because they changed competitive pretty radically. It was judged to be unfair to have a season of unlimited duplicate heroes inform the ratings of seasons where that was no longer possible.

Now that they’re not only hard locking a 2-2-2 comp, but also separatign ap layer’s SR by hero roles, I think it’s entirely possible that some sort of firm reset might come along.

Worst that will happen is that your S18 placements will look exactly like your S17 placements did, except you’ll know the person on the other end might actually move in rank from placements. The horror.