Reported for not following 2 2 2

Did you get banned? Even warned? If not, then you don’t need to do anything.

On the report screen they have clearly stated:


Also, role queue is very soon, so you won’t be able to switch roles away from 2-2-2 then.


the problem is the report system is mostly, if not completely, automated. my last account is permabanned because i was a low tier hero player, and was always reported for choosing ‘throw’ heroes. its upsetting to know that this type of unfair punishment is allowed and could happen again to this new account


You cannot get permabanned for hero selection. Clearly there were other reasons.


of course i wasnt permabanned for hero selection reasons. there is no option to report that. there was an instance where a streamer’s account was suspended for abusive chat, and he plays with chat options off. the system is broken, abused, and the community knows it and does it. youre assuming fault on my side regardless of what im saying. get off my topic unless you have something constructive to say please.


You can get permabanned for that because the reporting system is easily exploitable.

Players can report for whatever reason they want and the reported account will be actioned once a certain number of reports are received.

It doesn’t matter if the reports aren’t genuine because the system is automated.

My Xbox account was suspended multiple times back when I mained Torb for no other reason than people didn’t want a Torb on their team so they reported me for throwing. Doesn’t matter that I would often get multiple golds per match. Doesn’t matter that the only time I ever reached Diamond was when I mained Torb. Some people got it in their heads that Torb was a throw pick and insta-reported.

A Blizzard customer service rep will only ever look at reports if a ticket is submitted to appeal against it, and more often than not they will uphold the suspension/silence.

This is even moreso the case on console where Blizzard customer service will claim such things as it’s Microsoft/Sony who implemented the silence/suspension or that false reporting doesn’t exist so all reports are apparently genuine.


There’s no way troll reporting would be upheld through an appealed permaban.

Maybe they won’t roll back a 1 day silence, because it’s probably already over before they get done reviewing it, but that’s not the same as a permaban.

People are so routinely toxic in this game… It’s systemic, and I want a huge increase in the number of bans, silences, etc.

Jeff Kaplan says they have the ban hammer primed and ready to smack smurf heads, and I am excited about that…


I wasn’t there so I don’t know the situation you’re referring to. However if you switched without communicating to your team what you were doing I don’t blame them for being angry. Simply playing a hero is not reportable but I still report because even if they get banned (pretty unlikely) and even if they get their ban overturned (even less likely) it still affects their endorsement rating. I just want everyone else to know that person plays like a jerk.

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What did the customer service rep say when you appealed it?

You’d most certainly hope that but it’s absolutely not the case.

I’ve had Blizzard customer service reps tell me false reporting doesn’t exist and that they wouldn’t overturn a suspension that arose from players reporting me for playing Torb.

Granted that was some time ago but I’ve seen other recent examples of Blizzard customer service reps who blindly believe that any reports received are all genuine.

Were you permabanned?

Press x to doubt.


That false reporting doesn’t exist, that I need to work as part of the team and not troll teammates or throw games (despite the fact I’ve never trolled or thrown a game in my life).

They also told me that they were unable to overturn suspensions or silences on console and that it was up to the console manufacturer to do so despite the fact that suspensions/silences against an account in Overwatch have nothing to do with Microsoft or Sony.

I ended up having to stop playing Torb as a result because Blizzard customer support refused to believe anything other than the reports received against my account were genuine.

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I haven’t been, no, because as I said above I opted to stop playing Torb so as to not risk my account being permabanned for doing so.

It’s a sad state of affairs when Blizzard choose to allow the community to police themselves by means of an automated reporting system and then refuse to believe a player when they claim that they are innocent of claims made against them because Blizzard customer service reps don’t believe false reporting exists.

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so you deliberately report people and hope to get the removed from the game because you dont like the way they play? isnt that a reportable offense? encouraging and placing false reports?


So, you’re arguing a different topic.

If your suspensions or silences were 1 hour, or 1 day, I can understand why Blizzard didn’t go through the effort of thoroughly reviewing the reports.

I’m trying not to be rude, but I would need to see hard evidence, which I don’t think anyone outside Blizzard could provide that someone was troll reported so much that it resulted in a permaban.

People are so routinely rude and toxic that most people (maybe not you) who think they are being reported for X are actually being reported for being miserable to play with. Being toxic and yelling and cussing at people, even if “they started it” is a valid Abusive Chat report.

Did Blizzard even give you feedback on which report category you received? (Gameplay Sabotage, Abusive Chat, Cheating, etc)?

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Not exactly. I don’t want to get them banned. I know that it takes a lot of reports to get banned. If the person isn’t a dirtbag they certainly won’t get banned and I’m banking on that. I just want them to have a low endorsement rating. I know that what I’m doing is actually a bannable offence, but apparently it takes a lot more false reports than about 1 in 20 matches for anything to happen.

Also, I’m talking about situations where, say, a main tank switches without warning, nobody can fill the roles, and it absolutely costs you the match. If someone’s trying and doing badly, whatever. If they say they want to change but nobody can replace them, that’s fine, too. At least they tried to do the right thing for the team. But everyone knows those matches where a key role switches without notice and it screws over the whole team. Most of the time people switch roles I don’t report because it’s not that big a deal but when someone’s a jerk and basically soft throws the match, I consider a throw is a throw and report accordingly.

Basically, the system has flaws and I’m abusing them.

I may not have been permabanned but my last suspension was a week, if I remember correctly.

Regardless of the duration, the fact that the suspensions arose from false reporting is most certainly worth Blizzard investigating but they flat out refused to believe false reporting even existed.

No, despite the fact I asked they refused to divulge any details and only kept repeating that the suspensions would be upheld. It got to the point they would automatically close my tickets without replying so I just gave up trying.

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You are really giving us only half of the story. What was your comp before you changed? And after you changed? Which heroes.


What you’re doing is far, far worse than someone switching heroes in game.

You deserve to be banned for intentionally abusing and exploiting the system.


Sure, take that one little bit and ignore the context. Maybe I wasn’t very accurate with what I wrote.

I meant the descriptions of the report categories are flawed.

If doing something you know is not in the best interest of your team isn’t throwing, what is?