Report Smurf option

Smurfing is not a simple matter of just “playing better”.

Of course a Diamond player on a Gold smurf will play better than the actual Gold players, because they’re Diamond skill level not Gold.

That’s just common sense.

But how do you know it is actually a Diamond player?
You say it is so easy, so how?

And failing to answer that question is an answer as well

Im done arguing jeff said its not against the rules there for its NOT REPORTABLE but keep crying about it :slight_smile:

If it was cheating thats what he would have said :slight_smile: i guess the only unfair thing to you is a gm playing on a gold account

And the flagging my comment and muting me :ok_hand: i see the kind of person you are in game now the ~slightest~ inconvience and your “muted and reported for abusive chat”

I really cant wait for you to get slapped with a ban for false reports

Especially if you think someone telling you to stop crying on the forums after being showed smurfing is not cheating

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you do the same cause it doesnt state that making more acounts to drop raks is "not "cheating so please stop being right cause clearly your not

Your reply is nearly incoherrent. It Does state that dropping “raks” is cheating. Thats literally not what the topic is about though.

I cant stop being right lol someone is right and wrong here and it just happens im right because…facts.

Id like to see Comixfan get a forum ban every time he knowingly spreads misinformation to the masses who WILL come here in the future and look up things they find on google. Because of his persistence and blizzards desire to just let everything go and lack of forum guidelines one player can cause massive damage to the understanding of how anything in this game works.

If only there were a rule against knowingly spreading outright lies or just general misinformation.


Why would you want to report alternate accounts? No rule against having multiple accounts.

Boosted…my dude. The conversation here is not about alternate accounts. Its about the action of smurfing.

If someone is openly admitting to smurfing. Which is the act of manipulating your rank to get to lower levels via an alternate account (SR manipulation) then they are sabotaging matches and breaking the rules. Which makes smurfing in of itself against the rules.

If a player has multiple accounts he is NOT breaking the rules. If they are manipulating SR by throwing games to stomp lower ranks then they ARE breaking the rules.

I always do smurfing :slight_smile:

He only said making a new account is not reportable.

Please do ensure that you quote him correctly.

No doubt you’ll keep being toxic about it.

Which won’t happen because the reports fit in with the reporting system’s existing definitions.

You’ve showed nothing of the sort. The only thing you’ve showed is how toxic you continue to be.

Smurfing isn’t an unfair advantage.

An unfair advantage is being able to do something that someone else could not actually do in the game.

Macro’s are an unfair advantage
Wall hacking is an unfair advantage
Aimbots are an unfair advantage
Using adapters when other users are on console is an unfair advantage

Smurfing is an advantage, sure, but unfair? It may feel like it. But it’s not. Also the SR attempts to still find fair matches even with smurfs, and I will admit I don’t like smurfs, and the matchmaking system isn’t perfect, but I don’t have more than 3-4 games in an evening where I am actually pissed off by a smurf, or someone half throwing in my games.

That aside, “reporting” simply due to smurfing is not fair because what proves a smurf? someone saying they’re a smurf? well what if I say i’m not a smurf, that means i’m not smurfing right because everybody tells the truth on the internet?

What about a widow having a really good day and gets 3 headshots in a row. she must be a smurf?

How do you undoubtedly even prove someone is smurfing? It’s such a grey area I think people just want to post and complain on here without a real thought as to an actual solution

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You can certainly do so if you wish to earn a mark on your account for false reporting. “Smurfing” is not a reportable offense.

It isn’t. People have multiple accounts for different reasons. Playing with friends and family, chill play or hero testing.

It absolutely is.

A Master player playing on a Gold smurf account has a massive advantage over actual Gold players. It’s unfair of them to be in Gold matches in the first place since they’re Master level.

And where, exactly, did you get this definition from?

It’s not cheating. and by definition of cheating you’re suggesting it’s giving someone and unfair advantage

Unfair by definition is “not following the rules of a game or sport”

There is no rules that explicitly state that Smurfing is against the rules of the game.

Their definition of cheating is outlined below; note smurfing is not an exploit.

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

  2. bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;

  3. hacks; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of the Platform in any manner not expressly authorized by Blizzard; and/or

  4. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

Also quoted from the man himself FYI

“Starting a new account is not against the rules,” Papa Jeff says. “Boosting or throwing is against the rules. If you start a new account and play normally, the matchmaker determines your skill level very quickly and matches you with similar players.”

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I’ll prove it for him.

it is cheating, and it is clearly marked as such in the reporting options.

starting a new account as a plat+ player and your new account ends up in bronze, you have thrown to be down there, smurfing the newbies.

The match maker CAN’T deal with people doing SR manipulation, and by doing so, you are giving yourself a VERY unfair advantage in the games you are playing.

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But that’s a different issue altogether.

How do you know they started off in plat? What example are you providing?

De-ranking is reportable
Being a smurf is not so much.

What about I play a Masters Widow
But a Bronze mei

I decide I want to start playing Mei

I try my hardest but lose all my games and get down to bronze.

I decide to change my mind and go back to widow to climb back up.

Have I exploited the game? Cheated? No.

And you can complain and say, well nobody in Masters is that bad on another hero. But there are people who are mechanically good but no game sense on other heroes, and some heroes have a very different skill gap.

Lots of streams of players that are GM with 1-2 heroes stuck in Plat / Diamond with other heroes.


But you don’t know that, all you see is Gold.
And since you ignored the question

You admit to false reporting and I genuinly hope you get banned soon, both on forums and in game

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Well, given that most are happy to tell you what their real sr is after they ruined your team, it is a pretty good sign.

Or, back in the day, when their icons showed the max rank they had in the season. I had a week of games, 4 hours a night and every single one had a plat+ in it.

They were NOT there because they had a few bad games. They had thrown down to screw with the newbies.

if you think that shouldn’t be reportable? Then you have a VERY warped view of what fair matches look like.

It absolutely, unequivocally is.

It’s like an NBA star going and playing in a high school basketball game.

Because it is.

Cheating is defined in the reporting system.

Starting a new account isn’t against the rules, no, but starting a new account =/= smurfing.

Also, Jeff failed to acknowledge the impact a high rank player on a lower rank account has in those lower rank games. Per his game’s own reporting system, it’s cheating.

OK and like i said, because somebody tells you something on the internet, that makes it true?

Don’t be so naive. Someone can have a great game, someone can be top and have a real bad game and be accused of being boosted, some people are smurfs.

BUT people paid for this game, you cannot start imposing rules and bans just off the back of random statements from players. You have to have definitive proof.

You having providing a legitimate example here.

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Or you know, I could have played that week of matches, 4 hours a night.

I DAMN well know it is true because I lived through it.

LFGs called “road to bronze” is not people being ironic.

They HAVE to throw to end up in that place which MOST certainly is.