Replay review needed - mercy 2700

I was the mercy named “EnoXela” here. Replay code - ZAZ8DG. This was around 2700.

honestly not bad
your target priortizing was good
damge boost well
mostly the last one to die in fights
and staying alive
sorry that you lost but well done on your end

I only peaked 3.9 so I’m by no means a professional but here’s a few observations that can be made from just watching the first few minutes of gameplay.

  • You seem to be a bit lost about what to do which results in a lot of beam downtime.
  • Try swapping faster between heal and dmg boost so you get as much use out of both as possible. Also refrain from keeping beam on a single target for prolonged periods of time unless necessary. That’s a technique called beam feathering that high ranked mercy players use.
  • It’s obvious you’re hesitant on rezzes at times which is understandable, you learn that through trial and error but you shouldn’t let the rez distract you too much from other things. Remember that going for a rez on your second healer means your team has to go a full 2 seconds without any heals. That should help you weigh similar situations a bit quicker. Consider incoming respawns and spawn distance etc.
  • There’s no point in healing naded targets, either swap your healing to someone else or dmg boost them until you can heal them or they inevitably die. You still get more value than healing a naded target.
  • You super jump a lot which isn’t inherently wrong but could make a really bad habit when you eventually climb ranks. Your superjump execution is also a bit sloppy and often puts you in really risky positions.
  • Losing point B defense the first time, there was a lot of things you could have done better. Try to watch your flanks more, especially when going for rezzes regardless of it being during valk or not. If you had seen the Lucio, you could have baited the boop and gone for the rez after, or simply not gone for it at all since your Sigma was also critically low.
  • Dying to instakill ults like mccree or soldier is also something you should grow more aware of. Pay attention to whether they hit their shots or not and try to expect it, adjust your position accordingly. Ideally, never fly out in the open when those heroes exist on the field. Had you stayed in the position you tried to rez in, you wouldn’t have died to deadeye.
  • Rez on Doom on attack was also wasted and extremely risky. Putting less focus on the Pharah might have allowed you to heal him a bit and neither of you would die.

Not going to watch the rest since I’m five minutes in and I feel like that’s already plenty of things to think over, gl in your games


I super jump a lot when there aren’t any hitscans on the enemy team, which in my opinion is better against something like doomfist junkrat (just as an example).

I watched your game a bit:

0:53: dashes like this get you killed if the enemy focus fires you. Wait for your Echo to come back to you. If she dies, she dies. Here if the enemy Ashe hit a bodyshot, Genji dashes into you (it’s a relatively safe dash for him) and Monkey tasers you a bit you’re dead. This would be the “standard” play in higher elo the chances of you dying due to this overextension are actually quite high.

1:30: here you need a bit more forward thinking, iirc (I’m not a Mercy player), Mercy beam connects at around 15 (?) m and then it keeps healing until like 20 ish (?) m? Anyway the point is you could connect the beam to the Sigma 2-3s earlier to help him retreat because he’s obviously about to take damage when you abandon him at 1:27 (monkey damage goes through barriers).

2:00: this was good following the Echo initially but you should NEVER put yourself in a situation where you have no target to GA to. You are lucky the Orisa is in sight but it she wasn’t for some reason you are dead here. You should disengage from the Echo earlier and retreat to the team. As a rule of thumb you should “sense” when you won’t be able to GA back to the team and stop pocketing the person you are following.

2:30: nice rez on the Bap, good timing and so on.

2:42: you are behind a bit in this fight because they used Nanoblade but it’s not yet unwinnable. You see your Orisa is getting assailed by a Genji. You should pocket her and if the Genji switches targets to you, use the Orisa as cover. She has a big model and you can go inside allies to avoid damage also. This goes against what I suggested earlier to you of not committing to risky pockets but here you want to gain momentum back so you want to take a risk even if the chances of the Genji killing you are moderate, if your Orisa dies you lose 100% so in your mind it should be either 50% chance to save the Orisa and win the teamfight or lose the Orisa and 95% chance to lose the teamfight. I am actually kinda sure that if you had pocketed the Orisa your chances to win this teamfight are like 50% at least.

3:49: good rez on the Orisa, as a rule of thumb (I’m not a Mercy main but I play since s2 and I have a bit of intuition about this game) you wanna rez either immediately after the death or as the timer is about to expire for the respawn. It’s not a hard rule, every rez is different but those are generally the safest moments.

4:08: again, not worth to worry about an Echo who likes to play out of position. You are playing a bunkery comp, you should stay behind your tanks or on this ledge behind the point most of the time.

4:34: nice use of Valk and good attempt on the rez on the Orisa. Lucio boops you out of it, since Mercy is not an immensely strong character, the guy above me is right you should pay attention to these things… they don’t happen incredibly often and I as a hitscan player make tons of these “lack of foresight” mistakes but on Mercy they are more crucial because you don’t have the same impact as say landing an anti-nade say.

4:38: this is a bigger mistake, here it’s not a boop that Lucio needs to be in position to do, it’s an ultimate. As Mercy, you ALWAYS wanna keep track of ults in your head. High Nooning a Valking Mercy is a pretty standard play. There is no reason for you to fly so far in the open either, Valk has increased beam range. Stick to corners to avoid such situations.

6:47: I don’t think Doom is necessarily worth rezzing here. Rez is worth more or less depending on the situation. Attacking A of Volskaya sees the attackers have a fairly substantial respawn advantage. On top of that, Doom has mobility and you expose yourself a lot for this rez for not a lot of value (mostly as I said the +1 rez provides is generally big BUT on A respawns are fast). I would go for this rez only if I was hard shielded by my Rein and your team got a counterpick before the timer expired. You die for this rez and I think it’s fair it’s kinda a mistake.

7:56: not much you can do to avoid this death I guess, maybe try to position in such a way that your GA brings you out of dash range. It requires you to be VERY far away from allies so it’s not always possible, overall it’s a finesse thing and I would say this death is also unfortunate cuz u got dynamited also. Anyway this death is like unavoidable.

8:37: I am not sure I would commit Valk here as it’s only Rein, Ana far away and Lucio vs you, Rein, Zarya, Moira, Doom and a respawning McCree. It is true that their Rein with Nano could kill your Rein if the Moira doesn’t pocket him, and their Rein could build shatter and get 2 picks with it, but overall I would at least wait 4-5 more seconds before committing Valk. Stand behind these boxes and cylinders to your left to avoid getting shattered and you can periodically ji-ggle peek the team to maintain beam connection if you’re unsure about enemy Rein shatter status (if you play this game long enough, you start paying subliminally attention to how many swings/firestrikes he hit but even if you don’t as I said you can play it safe and use terrain when you think he could have Shatter up). 2 CP is a very steamrolly mode, you could use this Valk to initiate the next fight and you get both a safe Rez and tons of sustain which could make you full cap. It’s better to be safe than sorry sometimes I guess but I think you panicked a bit here. It’s not a terribly wrong decision to commit Valk, you never know but I would have waited like 3-4 more s.

9:33 I guess this fight is fair that you lose it because they land a good shatter (try to maintain cover a bit more though it’s unlucky that you flew into the shatter, but we talked about canceling GA here it was definitely a moment where you wanna cancel GA to stand behind the red box and you would have avoided getting shattered. You live through the shatter but also consider that as you are shattered your teammates are suffering HP loss due to no healing. Anyway they commit Sound Barrier also, it’s fine they win the fight I guess they used 2 strong ults. Consider also how Valkyrie here would have made the fight unfold differently if you had it.

Anyway next fight they have Nanoblade I expect you to lose next fight also and the fight after will be a fair fight where you have a chance to win.

10:32: good use of Valk and pressure on the Ana as Pistol Mercy I like that a lot. The chances of your team winning this fight would be great thanks to this play had they not used Nanoblade.

10:45 they commit BOB also though this fight is already 100% lost for your team if possible you should tell your team to retreat as you are down 1 pre-fight. Not sure if they would listen but you wanna minimize downtime like that where you are fighting unwinnable fights or staggering. Also consider that your tanks retreating here means they don’t feed and it would mean their Rein has 30-40% less ult charge for next fight, same for Genji and Ashe. As Shatter, Nanoblade and Bob are fairly impactful ultimates (and you don’t have Sleepdart for BOB either), I would say here if you managed to convince your team to retreat it would give you so much value. Unfortunately plats don’t always understand how the game works, specifically the fact that on point B of 2 CP starting a fight 5v6 almost never works due to how respawns work.

I’m also thinking, at high SR generally people trade ults so they would Nanoblade only if you commit something but in Plat I would wait for their Genji to Nanoblade and use your Valk the fight after. This is a case of how the game changes a bit as you climb, in lower elo you wanna be more selfish I guess. You trade your Valk for Nanoblade which is 100% worth it but that relies on your allies (specifically tanks) knowing how to play 2 CP which might not always be true in plat.

11:26: you swap Brig, Brig is an OP hero but I don’t think you’re losing this game due to the Mercy pick. Mercy is working imo and on 2CP Rez can be very valuable because defenders generally try to stagger by picking someone early and Rez offsets that. Anyway Brig is good also.

11:41: ok I have the impression your team is never getting as much value from ults as the enemy team and you are like getting farmed over and over. This happens in high elo also basically they are cycling Shatter + Soundbarrier -> Nanoblade -> BOB. I would say here your tanks are on the backfoot and a bit discouraged due to losing so many fights due to ults being used so you wanna help them a bit by playing maybe more aggro on Brig.

12:32: as Brig your best ally is your Rein you way overextended. Bit unlucky that you got booped by the Ball but realistically you’re so far forward compared to your tanks who got isolated by the Minefield that you are a free kill. Brig plays a bit like Zarya, you wanna go slightly in front of your Rein to keep Inspire up and then back behind shield. You can also use your Bash as a mobility tool to escape whenever you find yourself slightly overextended compared to where your Rein is. Anyway this death is kinda crucial (edit: you don’t die in the end, I assumed you would though) because you just killed the Dragonblade and also survived the Minefield, chances to win this teamfight are not bad.

12:40: I don’t like this Rally. You barely survive but really it was such a close call. Rally builds kinda slowly also and is a very valuable ult if you had died here it would be very bad.

12:59: you wanna always be aware of your surroundings. Periodically turn around to see if someone is flanking or stuff like that. You could have avoided getting shattered here or at least get shattered farther away from the Rein so you have more time to get back up. As support, you should ALWAYS try to avoid shatter. Very often it’s possible for at least 1 support to avoid getting shattered and pop a defensive ult or Nano to turn the tides. To do so, you wanna either play outside of Shatter range, or behind cover or a mix. Now of course the enemy team has a brain also and it’s not always possible to avoid getting shattered since the enemy Rein will never shatter unless you are slightly out of position… nevertheless, there are ways. Ji-ggle peeking as Mercy for example allows you to maintain beam connection. Brig has a shield to block shatter for herself (though the shield behavior is notoriously buggy so I’m not sure here what you need to do to avoid it as I’m not a Brig main). Someone like Zen can stay so far behind the team that he will never get shattered. Moira can react to Shatter and fade (shatter has like 0.45s cast time from memory, human reaction time is ~0.2s and Fade is instant cast so you can avoid 100% of shatters if you have Fade up).

13:04: you wanna Boop the Rein away. If you don’t do that, he wins the 1v1 it’s very Rein sided and Brig is not very durable if you don’t do that.

Overall the mistakes I pointed out are stuff that requires a bit of polishing, I am sure if you fix all the stuff I mentioned you will get Diamond/Masters in no time :slight_smile:

To you it might not sound like a bit deal but you need to realize that playing systematically makes you climb because let’s put it this way, if out of 4 fights, 3 are lost due to your teammates being bad, the remaining 1 the enemy has no ults and your teammates somehow don’t feed, that’s the fight where YOU have the power to shift the odds. In this game, you only needed 1 teamfight to secure control of point B. Which is the case when you got separated as Brig I would say, in the end you survived and all but if you played more with your tanks as Brig maybe the game would have gone differently, who knows? In OW you never know.

I think this game was winnable, teams were very evenly matched.

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