Rendering device lost

It’s their fault because they fail to distinguish between a leaver and an error of their software.

But it’s an error of your machine, not their software.

Its either nvidia drivers, or that stupid windows 1903 update or the game. I feel like its windows and nvidia driver and not the game itself. I had the same rendering device lost error a few days ago.

like msi afterburner or smthg like that

thats just what worked for me when I had these consistent issues

By any chance do you have some spare RAM sticks you could try?

I’ve had the same issue as you, and even upgrading my CPU, MOBO, and GPU haven’t solved anything. The errors stopped popping up when I replaced the RAM sticks to a higher clocked ones (3200 MHz).

There is no way to distinguish that without pretty invasive and illegal software monitoring what users are doing on their end.

On Blizzard’s end, they just see you left the game. There is no way to know the reason why.

I had this long ago with my 1080. I did a clean uninstall of the drivers. Did some googling and just can’t find the guide I used (It was over a year ago). Anyways, I had two copies of Nvidia drivers installed somehow. I deleted a file and then and then some other file popped up with another number so I deleted that. At that point my display went to that old horrible 640x480 resolution. I then installed the latest drivers from Nvidia and haven’t had the problem since.

Really wish I could find the guide I used to manually remove all drivers. I think there are programs that can do it for you too though.

I tried everything too.
then I sent my laptop back and forced Asus support to test it thoroughly how I wanted, since they did not find anything in a previous 24 hr stress test.

With my guidance they did replicate the issue, and it turned out to be a faulty motherboard, only happened in very niche situations though and only with OW, which is why it was so hard to pinpoint the reason.

My point:
Could be you just need to reseat your graphics card, could be a faulty motherboard, could be a program that got the “rights” to use the graphics card(which will crash OW) even if only for the shortest time, or a million other reasons ;D

I know what program you mean however I’m not sure if I’m allowed to mention the name, even though B’s support has recommended it to me in the past.