Rendering Device Lost SOS

I’ve been having this problem since the start. Please help.

I tried updating drivers in a clean way, lowering resultion etc. And nothing works, my game keep crashing.

My pc runs a I5 10400F and a RX 5600 XT i have NO problems with other games, only Overwatch crashes. Please help.

Radeon Chill causing a problem?

What is that? And how i turn it off

That’s software that comes with your GPU. It has been known to cause issues. For assistance with it, you can consult this thread or AMD’s support.

Well, its turned off already…

Howdy piZa,

Did you try rolling back the driver as described in that forum post?

Yes, but it happens since the last 3 drivers updates or more, so i dont think the solution is there :C

Rendering device lost errors can happen for several different reasons. I’d suggest trying the rest of the steps here.

after half a year I solved this problem, via this tool GitHub - Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector

inside the tool I will delete the profile for the overwatch, and until the next update with the nvidia driver, I’m calm

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