"Render Device Lost" Fix for RTX

Hey y’all,

Thanks for much for your patience as I know that dealing with these crashes for so long without any updates can be upsetting. It’s never fun to be left out of the loop.

Just to touch base with everyone, renaming the Overwatch file has been largely successful as it prevents the Nvidia profile from making changes and as previously mentioned, we’re working with NVidia to get this issue sorted out. Here are those steps again:

  1. Open your Overwatch installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86) by default)
  2. Right click the Overwatch application file and choose Rename
  3. Rename the file to OverwatchTest
  4. Double click the renamed file to launch the game manually

For those who are still getting Rendering Device Lost errors after the rename, you most likely have a separate problem entirely than the Nvidia profile problem. There are many different causes for the Rendering Device Lost which is why this problem was so difficult to figure out in the first place. If renaming the Overwatch file doesn’t help, we suggest going through these steps. If they don’t help, create a new thread with the steps you have tried, or create a support ticket so we can investigate these cases individually.