Rename the game to Smurf Topia

Agreed, Smurfs are a scapegoat excuse

i have 4 accounts because i got them for cheap. The guy is not joking with how many smurfs there is in the game. i once got queued in a game of levels 25s to level 30s in 2800 in a comp game xDDDD.

Alts =/= Smurfs

2 of the accounts are in silver or really low gold and i play around 3400 games. the other 2 gave for friends who couldnt buy the game it is fully their account. the 2 accounts i mentioned are smurfs basically btw.

Why are they there, lend me some context

Smurfing is intentionally putting yourself in a low rank like bronze or silver just so you can trounce on them with your far superior skills

Just playing against someone better than you in a middleish rank on an alt account isn’t smurfing

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played heroes i wanted to learn ( basically at my rank i cant play) and i dont really play on them much. I get on occasionally and ummmm lets just say the enemy team hates me.

this did not happen on an alt account this was on my main.

i disagree smurfing is when u are in a rank you dont belong in that is way too bad for ur game rank standards like being a high diamond in low gold or silver

So you don’t have an advantage as you’re intentionally handicapping your own performance by picking heroes you wanted to learn and the system placing you accordingly.

That’s still not smurfing, even if the enemy team hates a low level performing at their rank tier. You are playing at their rank fairly.

If you belong in diamond then just playing will normally get you to diamond

If you’re intentionally throwing or whatever to stay in silver then you’re smurfing and that’s bad

If you’re playing in gold on an alt account and still in gold that just means you’re a gold player on that hero

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i am bad at tracer on 3200+ games. on the 2 accounts i play on i m not even handicapped at all.

That title belongs to Dota.

i came into the game and i could wreck some people…the game isnt rocket science,anyone can play this arcade style shooter.

That’s the point, you’re a Silver/Gold tracer, therefore you’re getting matched up with Silver/Gold players. If you decided to run your main at that rank and throw in order to stay at that rank to stomp with your main, that would be smurfing.

You don’t get to just make up your own definitions because it helps make your case, it doesn’t work that way.

Can i point out you guys are trying to explain to me what a smurf is. and not trying to tell me why you think smurfs is a scape goat excuse. My first post was to say the game is usually cheap and smurfs are there like alot of them. (i myself dont care anymore about smurfs i just try my hardest, we won gg we beat a smurf. we lost gg they had smurf we tried our best)

oh I didn’t see you ask that

Because people have this thought process that they should always go against an opponent of equal skill 100% of the time and whenever they don’t they say smurf as if the opponent can’t be better than them

silver gold tracer outplaying most silver gold tracers and destroying enemy team coz ik how they can counter me and i can negate it because i have that game knowledge that they dont have doesnt mean i am smurfing ok buddy >~<.

btw can u tell me how u underline do you use _ or what?

what? can you please explain it better?

You’re not there because you want to be though, if you were stomping on them you’d find yourself climbing.



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but here is the issue i get on occasionally not that much ehhh idc that much about smrfing anymore tbh i gave up on the fact if someone is smurfing etc

why YAY seems alil much doe xD

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