Remove Widowmaker or give her hard nerfs (Serious)

  • Slow down her charge between shots. Tweak the number just make is slower.
  • Increase the ammo per shot so she has more downtime reloading and has to be more careful with shots.
  • Make it so it absolutely has to be 100% charge to kill a 200hp hero. All this 75% power bs is silly. (I’d take this or my first bullet point, not both at once though)

This keeps the power of her shots the same as it is, just gives you a little leeway between her shots so she can’t just chain back to back and take out half a team in like 2s.


intensively absorbs popcorn

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So make the idea of a sniper pointless and have Hanzo outclass her in every way? I’m sure all of you will go back to whining about him after.

Did you read what I said???

And OP is a GM Ana main. It’s not self-proclaimed, I have played with OP on multiple occasions.



I said behind shields or walls. I mean, you could just peek around the corner and support your team while your team deals with Widowmaker. Funny how you completely left out that part out of my quote.

My main account has been suspended many times (there, I said it), nowadays it’s been off suspension for many months, but still I can’t post from there. I have posted a support ticket, tried account settings but nothing seems to help, so I’m stuck on this account.

(Liked this post from my main account, if you really need proof lmao)

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Thats odd, what team effort does her team need to commit to so the widow can one shot the enemy? :thinking:

Why no1 complaining about snipers in Call of Duties? :smiley:
With insta leaning on the floor with a headshot… every1 is fine about this- here slow walking lady with loud af footsteps and tunnel vision- REEEEEEEEEEEEEE


And I’m a GM Tracer one trick just hit 5k SR yesterday. Amazing how I can say whatever I want. Widowmaker has glaring flaws and if you choose not to exploit those flaws and weaknesses then that is your problem not mine.

and there is no shields or armor in CoD btw
what are u? a casuals?

I’m calling bs that you’re gm. Sorry you don’t want to switch to counter.

The ideal state of dps hero category according to the forums -> “we’re all Soldiers now”


Because I was pointing out shields aren’t viable. I didn’t say anything about walls, because they are the only reliable cover in the game. A widow cannot shoot through a wall, and walls enable proper positioning for a support. A DPS on the other hand, will have to poke out to see the enemy team.

Until I have genuine proof, it’s word of mouth. I’d expect another GM player to actually understand how much effort goes into countering widow.

You have someone with an open profile, who peaked 4244 last season backing up OP, yet you wanna play the “well I can’t see it!” Game. What a joke dude, I could literally go and screenshot her profile right now, but I’m not going to because she probably doesn’t want someone like you seeing it anyway.

Let me guess, you probably think just a Winston diving her is a solution too?

It’s private so we aren’t really anywhere from where we were. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt


Same goes with pharah. Where are the delete pharah threads?

It’s in the post…

It’s private, but for arguments sake I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt


“I could prove it but im not going to” thank god you’ve proven you’re lying.

And entire team dive onto widow will kill her. Having a shield to stand behind will counter her. Standing behind a wall will counter her. Literally breaking line of sight with her will counter her. Keep talking down to me though it really makes you look like the all knowing GM you think you are. /s

Oh alright, gimme a sec. :slight_smile:

EDIT: should be public now.

The idiocy of some these replies is astounding. I’m just going to list some facts about Widowmaker. Just know that if you disagree with these facts, you are in denial.

  • As soon as the enemy switches to Widowmaker, you are playing THEIR game. You often have to pour all of your resources into dislodging the Widowmaker, or switch to your own Widowmaker. The only other hero in the game that does this is Sombra.
  • Winston is not a surefire counter to Widowmaker.
  • Just because Widowmaker is ‘high skill’ doesn’t make it okay for her to be broken. If a hero is overpowered, they’re overpowered.
  • Heroes with the capability to one-shot across the map need to be kept on a leash. They are already a problematic addition to a game like Overwatch, because the way that a sniper plays is not in line with how Overwatch as a game is meant to be played.

thank you thank you thank you avensol, my god. its been forever since ive seen you btw


It’s not my account, she’s here. If she wants me to give it to you, that’s up to her.

And then she requires the first bit of help from her team, and if she gets it the only option to counter her is a better widow.


The only role who is going to effectively do their job this way is Support, this isn’t a viable answer for DPS or Tanks.

And if your whole team does this the enemy team got a ton of space

All of your arguments literally don’t apply in GM. You can’t use plat chat solutions to fix things in GM.

Looks like we are in the same boat this season lmfao

But legitimately, not all heros have the option to stay behind a wall and do their job. You’ll either have to put all your resources into stopping her, or have a better widow. The things she makes people do to stop her isn’t balanced.