Remove widow from game

She isn’t hard, she isn’t the most skilled hero but can kill everyone with ease. Remove her. We have Ashe. Don’t’ need something that broken as her.
She constantly is too easy and does way too much dmg for that.


I’m going to guess you just lost a game to a decent Widow who punished your poor positioning.


She doesn’t needs to be decent, she can be trash and hard dominates everyone else. Just cause there is no counter to her.

Ever considered running a shield into her?


doesn’T help, there are like 5 more heroes in the enemie team.
Stop making excuses for that hard broken char.

" there are like 5 more heroes in the enemie team"

so is in yours.
also if shes so easy to play, cant you just run one yourself and counter her?


no counter ?
Winston, D.Va, Genji


i don’t want to. And that im forced to is a problem too.

no counters on most maps.

well guess what: Overwatch is a teambased arena shooter with the option of changing heroes constantly. Not taking this into account is like ignoring the sole genre of the game. If u dont like hero switching or adapting to the situation I would recommend switching to another game.


If you don’t need to be good at her, and can still easily kill everyone, then why don’t you player her and get GM… :thinking:


i’d argue that as long as a Winston is healed properly he will hard counter widow or genji


honestly, try to focus on what you might be doing wrong instead of trying to find an outside-reason for why you are getting trashed dude. your way of approach is the reason why the community keeps being so toxic.

it always is everyone else who is either feeding, not switching or hacking. look at yourself first and only! the other 11 players of your match you will never see again in your life and if u try to change them instead of you, your gameplay will never change


Hero swapping is literally the core concept of this game, why do you play a game that you think is fundamentally a problem?

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No. Just remove every one shot ability in the game. They are broken by design.
And widow is doing too much. She shouldn’T be able to get any kills in close range. She is a sniper, punish her for being a sniper. Give her less body dmg and no shooting gun. A rifle.

No ;D if i need to swap to the same hero to counter the hero, this one is broken.
Im a tank and support, and always the team with the better widow wins! ALWAYS!

Honestly, you have no clue at whatever. This community is toxic cause the game makes them toxic. Getting Killed by FTH, Reaper, Mei, Widow is no fun!
Also the game punishes the tanks more and more and they already are at the lowest fun rate cause a clearly lower skilled reaper just annihaltes them and uses them as health pack. Widow can 2 shot every tank, also very funny… A FTH roll FTH renders every tank basically death. Mei freezing you as long as she wants and you litterly can’t kill her. Only roadhog can, every other tank is getting murderd by her with 0 counterplay.
Thats why this game is toxic. It’s not the community, it’s the game. Adding to it:
You always need to flex, loose then and get tilted cause you are faced against one who can play his main and loose against him, it’s not hard to imagine why. The same list goes on and on. The community isn’t toxic, the game makes them toxic.
These non working hard counter needed chars add to it. A reaper can basically only get killed by snipers, if the snipers don’t do that, the rest of the team is dead cause he massivly overpowers in such situations, it’s the same with bastion. These chars that need to get counterd in a specific way need to go, they make the game toxic. Widow is in the same class. Ashe is perfectly fine, little retuning of her dynamite, and thats it. She is what Widow should be.
Low skill abilities get faar too much value. It would be ok if a 3 star hero is locked to dia or even higher cause she is useless outside of it. We don’t need every hero in every elo.

They are not due to various counters to oneshot abilities in the game. i.e. A SHIELD (there is like 4 heroes in the game that have one, also as tank player you should know that…) or a bigger health pool than 250 (witch is the amount of damage an unboosted fully loaded headshot of widow deals) or deflect, zaryabubble, better positioning, invisibility, sheer movement speed or even just anticipation (finds usage in every hero, no excuses) !

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You actually dont need to.

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Get close to her, she can’t do anything.


she kills a winston pretty easy close range. Cause normally a widow is never alone.

you disqualified yourself with talking about her when you don’t even know her basics.
Read my reply.

Okay you must be trolling right? Therese no way you play this game so much, yet don’t understand its fundamental design philosophy.

Oh, sorry it actually is 300, you are right. still there is no hero upwards 250healt who is under 300 base hp so i still dont lose my point in terms of qualification

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