Remove specific EffectID, Index Array

Im trying to make an array list for Effect ID and Effect Position. I have two seperate variables. I got that down and it adds to the array according but the problem is how do you delete specific effect at a position? Also how can I remove the specific ID and Position from the array when picking up the orb?

6: ArmorName
61: DeathOrbArray
62: DeathorbeffectID

rule(“Add Death orb to array”)
Player Earned Elimination;
Team 2;

	Event Player.ArmorName == Custom String("placeholder3");

	Create Effect(Event Player, Orb, Red, Position Of(Victim) + Vector(0, 1, 0), 1, Visible To);
	Modify Player Variable(Event Player, DeathorbeffectID, Append To Array, Last Created Entity);
	Modify Player Variable(Event Player, DeathOrbArray, Append To Array, Position Of(Victim) + Vector(0, 1, 0));


rule(“Check Position of orb and heal and destroy effect and play sound”)
Ongoing - Each Player;
Team 2;

	Event Player.ArmorName == Custom String("placeholder3");
	Is True For Any(Event Player.DeathOrbArray, Distance Between(Event Player, Current Array Element) <= 3) == True;

	Play Effect(Event Player, Buff Impact Sound, White, Event Player, 100);
	Heal(Event Player, Event Player, 150);
	Destroy Effect(Is True For Any(Event Player.DeathOrbArray, Distance Between(Event Player, Current Array Element) <= 3));
	disabled Destroy Effect(Is True For Any(Event Player.DeathorbeffectID, Distance Between(Event Player, Position Of(Current Array Element))
		<= 3));
	disabled Modify Player Variable(Event Player, DeathOrbArray, Remove From Array By Value, Is True For Any(Event Player.DeathOrbArray,
		Distance Between(Event Player, Current Array Element) <= 3));
	disabled Modify Player Variable(Event Player, DeathorbeffectID, Remove From Array By Value, Is True For Any(Event Player.DeathorbeffectID,
		Distance Between(Event Player, Current Array Element) <= 3));
	Wait(1, Ignore Condition);
	Loop If Condition Is True;


When the event player picks up the orb, sort the array of the orb positions by distance to the event player, then use the first value of the sorted array.
Then use “index of array value(position array, first value of sorted array)” and then use the index to delete from both arrays.