Remove Role Queue from Base quick play

It used to be located in the Main Menu, a place containing both game modes targeted towards casual and competitive audiences.

Now, it’s located in the Arcade, again, a place containing game modes for both casual and competitive audiences.

So, what were you saying exactly?


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

Btw, they are not the same. If they were, then there would be no need to have both of them and it would be better to just combine them all.



Orly? So your argument is that one is 222 and the other is not?


“I’m too lazy to click the Arcade button. Therefore, I want to ruin the game for everyone that enjoys Role Queue - which, time and time again, has proven to be the majority of players.” - OP (paraphrased)


Boy, I sure loved when every single game of quickplay you were forced to either play as a healer or not have a healer, fun times

Put QPC in the QP tab

No one has yet explained why this is the case, but anyways…

You mean pre - 2/2/2 role - lock QP and QPC here? But the former isn’t in the game anymore, so I’m a bit confused…

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why would you say that? because there would obviously be less tanks in QPC? or is it something else that you want to share?

No, I mean Arcade and outside of Arcade. If both are exactly the same, then there would be no point in having both of them because it qould be redundant

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This thread has become silly.
Yes they ‘could’ add the Original QP to the same tab like they do with comp.
That said, Let’s not pretend that just because one is in arcade that it’s not the SAME QP it always was.

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I know a lot of people here are giving OP a hard time… but in fairness, if comp is split into both role queue and open queue, it’s honestly a bit unclear to me why QP isn’t split the same way. Why place QPC under arcade?

I do agree they could and maybe should do it. But OP making out that just because one is in arcade that it is hugely different?

Also it’s a nice thing to get weekly arcade wins on if honest.

From a technical standpoint, it’s the same mode. Functionally identical.

However one argument that I’ve heard, which I think does have a grain of truth to it, is that being in arcade does change the perception of the mode. We all know how much people always say “It’s just quick play,” and that mentality is often amplified in arcade modes.

Is it true? Well, anecdotally from the rounds of QPC I’ve played, it’s felt mostly the same… but I dont play it a lot these days so my sample size is fairly low (coupled with of course a hazy/inaccurate memories of QP matches in the past). I also dont have access to the statistics that would be needed to prove or disprove such an idea, so I guess at best I’d say such a claim is plausible, but unproven.


I do kinds understand the psychology of that with it being in Arcade. It does feel bit second class. BUT, 222 was what they wanted for the game and and as compromise they left original available. Isn’t it better it’s at least still available?

Dps were kinda lucky to get Open Queue comp to be honest.
If they hadn’t they never would have seen both options available in Main menu.

That said I still don’t see why they cannot just add it to main menu like they do with comp.



You just contradicted urself

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How is QPC not Pre222?

Agreed. There’s really no reason for Quick Play Classic to not be placed right next to the default QP, but not because there’s any difference between said game mode and pre - 2/2/2 role - lock QP, but for the sake of consistency and for an extra Arcade slot to be freed as a result.

And you get 3 lootboxes for 9 wins each week, for free.


No, Quick Play is for learning the ropes before you go into Competitive.

So long as there’s Role Queue Competitive, there needs to be Role Queue Quick Play.

I used to be a quick play classic enthusiast until I started playing Pharah about a week ago and getting hard countered by quadruple hitscan, DVA, and Baptiste anytime I got a few kills. My role queue games have gone much better because that’s not possible. I’m now willing to wait 3 minutes for a good quality game compared to 30 seconds for absolute garbage.