Remove role que already

Well too bad than. Btw. I play ESEA/Faceit in CS and it is a game where you all play the same role and have all the same Q times so no need to doge them.

You feel so personaly assaulted that i think you should reconsider your approach to games. There is LFG or PUGs where you can play with people who will play as you want. Otherwise deal with what the random MM gives you

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I mean tanks are hunky dps

Well, uh… 80% of this community won’t agree with you.

Lol, you think they put RQ in because they listened to the community? No, it’s for their sweet sweet cash cow OWL… and we don’t mean sh1t to them because we are not buying enough lootboxes for them

stop being bad in dps and choose somersetting else maybe?

this is the answer I would’ve liked to see. You can’t expect an LFG to work when it’s so bare bones.

Tank is horrible to play when it ends up just throwing you into whatever match because there are no tank players then you end up getting a match +600 -600 sr of your actual rank. Even worse your potential tank mate is +800 -800 of your sr its horrible.

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another one of these threads…sigh. Que times aren’t fun but the unbalanced teams you get a more of a pain. I for one would rather not have a team that all wants to DPS.

I tried QP classic for a few matches the other day and realized that I don’t miss it at all.

Blizzard did not fix placements and only made them worse. That’s the issue we have. They think everybody should start in gold/plat and go from there. Makes zero sense and reinforces the fact they have ZERO clue on how to implement a good matchmaking system. They have failed for three years and continue to do so. Damn sad tbh.

The number of good games for tanks has gone up.
The number of good games for supports has gone up.

The number of good games for DPS is about the same only now instead of playing a game of chance with Q you get to play DPS with tanks and supports who wont ever switch off.

Im sure people would play tank and healers if DPS wasnt the 1 class that can carry easier. Playing healer is pure masochism and tank is basically just being a shield bot for your dps in this meta

I do the same thing, queue tank and play roadhog, closest thing to my main which is reaper. Insta queue and get to deal damage.
Role queues is a flawed system.

And those would be false reports. You can play however you like as long as you’re not actively trying to lose.

You can play an attack torb and hold down a flank, waiting for people, collecting 0 ult charge and basically doing nothing. You can play a sombra that only takes healthpacks. You can be a dps hammond. None of that is sabotage. Sabotage is things like mei walling her team into spawn, teleporters off the edge of a map, or deliberate suicide/feed runs.

The punishment for sloppy, ‘incorrect’ play? You’ll naturally re-rank to where it becomes viable (notice I didn’t say de-rank, because dps moiras win huge amounts of games).

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No such thing as false reports though. NOTHING as blizzard stated that says otherwise.

To remove Role Lock would be admiring it was a bad idea, and the dev team was wrong to put it in, as it’s a story excuse for, as well as a poorly thought out, mechanic.

The OW Devs aren’t known for admitting an error.

Of course you can have fun, nothings stopping you. However are you going there to just goof around, play heroes you’ve never played before just to try them out, play a role and (intentionally) not play it as the role should be played (I.E Never healing with a support, never shielding with tank shields, intentionally not killing the enemy team as DPS), and expecting every one to be cool with that because you’re there to have fun instead of trying your best while the others in the game are working to the bone to get their SR up, and just treating comp as a joke?

If no, then you’re absolutely fine.

If yes, then you are not a clown, you are the entire circus.

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what are all of these replies saying that not having 2/2/2 makes the game difficult to balance? Blizz literally proves with every patch they have no idea how to balance this game even within a 2/2/2 structure. That isn’t a good argument for keeping it. Not saying it should go… but they’ve shown over 3 years they can’t balance this game.

I disagree with the number of good games for tanks and supports going up. I think it’s more of a product of the current meta than the role lock though. It has made games more competitive as a whole, even if it’s mindless barrier shooting and healbotting the entire game.

I think no. I’m trying to play the game in the mode that this game apparently was made for. Don’t go good, though, as you can see.

Probably. I mean, to this day, if there is anything I absolutely must keep in my head beyond the control scheme (WASD, mouse, Q/E/Space/Shift), than anyone from Tracer to Sigma is a new character to me. Call it stupid, I could explain it further, but who cares.

DPS shoot, Tanks shield, Supports heal. That’s what the game says, but in reality it rarely goes right on my end. My shields fall flat along with my big tank body, I get squashed before I get to heal anyone and if I somehow manage to get a 100 for killing someone… well, that’s a one in a googol.

SR is the cancer of this otherwise perfect mode and those who play Comp EXCLUSIVELY for the sake of SR… well, they feel dumb to me.

Incorrect on both counts.

Blizzard has specific expectations for each role as detailed on the game’s official website:

If you do not play a role in its intended way, then that’s reportable.

They are merely examples that Blizzard provided. They are not the be all and end all of sabotage.