the point i was making is earlier in the thread you suggested making her into a ranged healer. there is absolutely no way you arent trolling
Sure, she needs buffs, but I don’t think major changes. She’s a very unique hero, and I don’t think she needs to lose anything that risks changing that.
Brigitte can protect herself just fine. She just needs a machine gun.
That shoots rockets.
With a bayonet attached.
That’s also a chainsaw.
And there’s also lasers somewhere, but I wouldn’t recommend actually looking for them unless you want your eyes burned out.
No zense. I failed you. I’m broken over brig. I am over fighting her changes.
I’m throwing in the towel and will accept the primary healer they want. I’m so done. I just want a hard change. And not mid tier.
I’m over it
It’s an integral part of her character, gameplay and design wise. No.
(inb4 but mass rez!!! Mercy can still rez. Her highlight intros still make sense)
- She’s not a primary healer. (Or shouldn’t be, at any rate)
- If we’re balancing by “X hero can do this, y and z can’t”, it isn’t a class based-shooter. Also, I’d like to know what damage boost is, if not a constant utility.
And that’s the biggest problem I’ve always had. I don’t want to give the balance team any more jobs. They seem to have some disconnect from the game.
I’d rather keep weaker versions of hero’s with their original ideas intact rather than have the balance team homogenize and destroy playstyles in the pursuit of balance
Unlike mercy, brig has heals over time that come from a distance. And unlike Ana, barriers are less of an issue for her with it.
I find that to be her best direction.
Nooo we gotta keep fighting or they’ll just leave her in the trash heap
This game has quite a few issues, but the least we can do is keep them from ruining the few things we do get
You can do that with Zen and Moira though.
I said that about her prior to her rework. But I was not imagining her to be a primary healer
So I quit. Just hard change her.
I consider live armor packs fairly ranged
Zen is not 60 hps, and Moira needs to be close as orbs aren’t reliable
I don’t think we should lower our expectations just because the balance team is disconnected. If we feel that their job is not up to par it is kinda our job to tell them that and/or vote with our wallet.
Uh, no. Removing Brig’s shield would be like removing rez from Mercy’s kit entirely, or removing Symmetra’s ability to make stuff out of hardlight.
It’s what defines their character.
Dude…I am just so tired.
Between symm
And sombra
And dva
On and on… I don’t even bother supporting anymore. I’m so tired. I lock dps or tank and just… Shoot shoot.
No one cries over rein or Ashe. And I’m good at it.
If people want the support brig… Maybe let them. I mean…look at this thread. No one here isn’t in every other brig thread. It’s just …old brig lovers.
No one likes her. And those people are who the devs care about . I at least want her to be strong…
My expectations are zero I’d prefer if they just stopped entirely.
But yeah I’m not buying another game from this company. If you talked to me a year or two ago my answer would have been the opposite. This game was so much fun. But keyword was
This game was a 10/10 but you really need a very special balancing team to ruin that
Ouch. Mei will always be my bae.
“X categorization of heroes don’t have Y” is a very bad argument. For one, norms are going to be broken from time to time, there’s no way to design all heroes in this cookie-cutter fashion you seem to like. Second, heroes like Lucio have acted as both primary healers and secondary healers throughput the lifespan of the game, already breaking these norms.
So your premise is completely unsubstantiated. If you want to get rid of her shield, you’re gonna have to do more than slap a “primary healer” tag on her and draw a conclusion to a shaky correlation among supports.
Ive been seeing this same response about other heroes. The devs really dont understand the impact of these reworks.
I just hope for our sake they help Brig out.
Even if you have lost all the enjoyment of brig still hope for her to be preserved for those that still like her
At least that’s how I think about sym 3.0
Well you just gutted Brig.
Don’t like her shield? Shoot it. It has 200hp. It breaks in 2 seconds of hitting it.