Remove genji plssssssss

I usually have no glaring issues dealing with him or at least escaping, but he is overtuned a bit as are Sombra, Sojourn, D.Va, and Zarya.

The leaked notes (which I hope are fake) are overkill. So I don’t want any of those changes go to through…especially cause there was no Sojourn nerf lol

Those notes have to be fake as they don’t include Sojourn as you say

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i hope they are fake

bcs nerfing sombra to 25 % is gonna make her usless

God I hope so.

As much as I think Genji needs a nerf, I don’t want overkill on any hero. They deserve to viable, just appropriately tuned down. He’s a smidge too strong right now - not by a lot! That hat can go to Sojourn and D.Va.

Sombra is extremely op

They should also remove her from the game with Genji

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I’d order the “OP and dictates the game” DPS heroes as:

Sojourn → Sombra (not by a lot less than Sojourn tbh) → Genji

Sombra and Genji nerfs are on the side of “A little goes a long way” - the ones in the supposed leaked patchnotes are brutal to both. I hope they don’t destroy either of them :stuck_out_tongue:

sombra you can change her playstyle

but how you wanna change genji he is always been the same

with sombra you can experiment more

i would say sombra isnt op she is only very fast to kill someone
and chain hacking is a problem

I just had a QP I got 0 kill on zen because Enemy Sombra just completely farmed me and my group just yelled at me the whole match never helped. It’s that type of game that makes you hate this game.

i am sry for you

but they adress that now

less damage
no chain hacking …

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Sometimes I can fight a sombra but a really good sombra with no team help (it’s a team game) makes her oppressive. If everyone played as a team she would be fine as is same with Genji. No one ever wants to help support but they always point out your low heals when you keep dying to flankers walking b k to team.

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i just hope they dont nerf sombra to much
and no one plays her anymore like in ov 1

i am really scared

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If people just played as a team this wouldn’t even happen but as a support she is really unfair 1v1 right now. Teammates never help you.

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true <3
i understand that she needs some nerfs somewhere

but i hope they have a big solution for that

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I mean I spam “group up” “enemy here” “I need help” and no one cares they just spam “I need healing”

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yeah thats the same problem like in ov 1
only its now worse

patch notes were leaked, and he’s getting huge nerfs. 30 shurikens to 24 shurikens, and 29 damage a shuriken to 27. these nerfs are huge tbh. less spam and lower damage. yall got what ya wanted now tho, right? genii nerfs. just gonna hope he won’t feel completely dumpstered to play as or against now. only thing that really made him feel too oppressive to me was the dps passive tbh. eh, we’ll see what it’s like when these are launched

I would be happy if they just removed double jump and all flying abilities .

pharah and echo would need reworks then, and genji would probably need a slight buff or two if you were to add that into the nerfs he’s already getting. eh, as long as my main doesn’t feel like trash to play then idrc, i just don’t want him gutted like some of the forum users on here do lol

What this is 6 years old and so accurate aaaaaaaa