Remove Competitive match group vs solo restrictions

What I mean is that groups should not play only groups of the same size this would shorten queue times. Solo players should not be babied it would force better communication between teams.


It’s not to shorten queue times.

It’s so 6 solo queue players aren’t tossed into a group together vs a full 6 stack.

That would be incredibly unfun


But making grouping more difficult is also unfun

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What’s fun about a 6 stack on comms steam rolling through 6 solo players? Even IF all six solos are on comms as well, the 6 stack still has a much larger advantage due to team cohesion and knowing each others play styles and strengths and weaknesses.

Allowing groups to queue against solos is always, has always, and will always, be significantly unfair to the solos.


If you’re really having trouble finding groups, I find running in a 4 stack really speeds things up

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that doesn’t happen because that would be brokenly unbalanced, a team of 6, all communicating, all know what each other are playing, versus 6 solo Q half of which likely aren’t even in voice chat, and will likely have at least 3 dps, this is a horrible idea, and should never be added.

But this is comp you know what you’re getting into you should be actively trying to communicate

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i have no idea what your trying to say

but that is not how comp works, if you ever play out of a 6 stack you will see that really fast, the community is too toxic or selfish to join team chat or switch to an actually useful hero (or at least a hero they’re good at)

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No thanks, i’m not about to play with a 3 stack and a 2 stack against a 6 stack.

That does not seem fair to me in the slightest.

1 Team are more or less strangers and the other team, who knows, they might have been playing together since launch and have worked out the ins and outs of their team.

Nah, if anything, groups need to be removed from solo que and put into their own queue system. Solo que and flex que.


learn to play the game the way it was meant to be or go down. I agree with this.


I also agree – it’s a team game, and if your team can’t play like one, you deserve the stomping you get from the 6 stack.


Why alienate a huge amount of your playerbase just so 6 stacks can have faster queue times?

That makes literally no sense.

It’s not fun for the solo queue players, it’d put 6 stack players into higher brackets than they actually belong in, and for What? So premade groups can find matches a bit quicker?

No. It’s competitive and we shouldn’t be destroying the integrity of it just for the hell of it.

Again, you’re not asking for competitive games in competitive mode. You’re asking for free wins in competitive mode. A team that has experience playing together, knowing each others preferences or quirks, working together in their playstyles will always, ALWAYS have a large advantage over a team that has never played together before, no matter if they’re both using comms or not. (Of course, this scenario assumes individual skill of each person is roughly equal)

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It would force more communication and promote grouping as a team. Right now it feels like you get punished the more players you have as it stacks sr against you (if it cant find the same sized stack). This is why stay as group is terrible as it makes the system treat 6 solos as a 6 stack and almost always leads to losing.

Just hide if people are in groups are not and allow for more flexible match making. If its more effective to six stack then arguably thats a good thing as higher end matches will rely on proper team communication more heavily especially if you are solo queueing.

It’s almost like it’s the way Overreach was meant to be played. The game wasn’t meant for one tricking Sym, and it wasn’t meant to solo queue without coma.

But Overwatch has over 35 million active players.

Queue times should be absolutely not an issue.

If you were never meant to solo queue, it wouldn’t have been an option.

If you want 6 stack, that’s fine. But complaining that you have longer queue times because its trying to find other 6 stacks for you makes no sense to me. Heck, I would happily take longer queue times in general if it meant more consistently even matches overall. I mean, if 6 stacking was as popular as you claim, wouldn’t it find more even matches, quicker?

That alone implies that the vast majority of comp players don’t 6 stack so again, don’t really understand where you get the idea Overwatch was meant for 6 stacking?

I don’t complain, but 6 attacking is more fun, I think it’s worth longer queue times but I wish more people would do it because the game is legit, way more fun when you do and I wish more people could experience it that way